personally i don’t use fov in cliff of dover but have assigned 2 keys to zoom in and out…
it’s a very smooth effect and works well. (Much better and immersive than jumping fron ine fov to the other…)
usually i fly zoomed out to have a wide view. In the thread it is said that wider views darkens dots.
so i think that wider views help me spot bandits better than others…
Cheers Jimmi great find!! There is also some good ideas on improving your spotting in there. Turning AA has helped and I’m going to play around with my NV gamma setting in a bit.
EDIT - by dropping my gamma down, brightness up a bit, the bogies became darker so I could spot 12 and leaning closer to the monitor, which I wouldn’t do, I can see another 3 grey dots.
Jimmi I know you spot really well, good eyes I guessing as my son spots better than I do. But something I read on the atag forum from the team fusion chaps was you can spot better if you turn off AA. Would be interesting to see if you see more.
Just done the test and I can spot 11 contacts: what I see is very similar to what Jimmi sees. But then the question persists: how come when I play I’m always blind compared to Jimmi or Rosso, for instance?
Is the canopy reflections/glint still working or has it been toned down? I’ve watched YT vids where there seem to be lots of glints at distance, but last night didn’t seem to be any.
Has it been removed or is it dependent on sun position/season?
EDIT 1 : forgot to add something else which makes a big difference in dot spotting : its a command inside the conf.ini. If you have the latest TF patch installed, then go to documents–>1C Soft Club–>IL2 Cliffs of dover MOD and locate the conf.ini. Scroll down and find the MeshShowLod command. By default its set to 0. Change it to 1. This forces the game to draw the dots earlier. (but it is a slight fps Killer). If your PC can take it, it will make a big difference in full real dogfights.