A seperate page file partition and a seperate partition for games etc to the windows install is how I always set up my own pc
What OS ?
Vista (at least the ultimate maybe other versions too) has a basic partition utility built in that you can use once the OS is installed, XP and vista can create partitions during the install, which is how I do it, much easier (and safer) than doing it after.
If you have already installed your OS, try “Partition Magic” but back up everything in case
Its not common, but partition magic can screw it up, so back up all thats important, game saves, photos, etc etc
It is a seperate program and will need to be bought (I believe you can download it and pay online), there may be a trial version but usually they don’t do all you need.
Hi Stuntman,
My 3y old pc has a C drive of only 10GB and I can tell you that is far to small. Free space is les than 500 MB now (swap file on other partition) and if it get under 300 I experience lag problems with IL2 online.
Dunno what is a convenient size for C. As you have 500GB to your availability I guess 50-100GB should do.
Partion Magic is what I am going to purchase in order to increase C: drive space.
FYI, I picked up a LaCie 500GB USB drive for back-up. Works perfect for me. Look at Elkjop.no for a Maxtor 500GB at 800 NOK.
I think a vanilla xp install uses about 7gb ish, and then the swap file will be added (usually 1.5x your ram, so 2gb ram will have around 3gb swap file by default).
But remember windows does everything by default on the root drive, so downloads and any program install as well as temporary usage like burning cd/dvd’s will go on there unless its changed.
I use my OS drive for a few other things like office and photoshop, as well as keeping my photos etc, 25gb is fine for that, games, big downloads and the swap file each have their own partition.
Its just stupid that you must buy a program to do it, while its included and free when you install windows…
btw, I have changed the page file location from C to D, but windows still have a “backup page file” in the root right?
So if I understand everything right, I should have around 50gb’s on C just in case, one partition for page file around 10 GB? And and lastly the big D drive with the added space from C?
Anything else I should do to improve my computer related to HD?
BTW, I have 2 drives installed.
1 = fast main drive (WD Raptor) divided in C + D. C is Windows-only + stupid programs that won’t be installed elsewhere, D for Programs + swap file.
2 = divided in F (more programs) and G for data: photo’s, downloads, music, video’s, EAF-stuff