I hope there will be more of this after summer, hopefully with WW2 planes as well eventually (hopefully with all the WW2 assets/maps/planes up to the promised standard).
Just to let you know this went tits up for me with connection problems, three attempted TO’s one due to a disco, the other two due to lag on TO that screwed it up, went to pub
Yeah not sure what happened there Red. Bad luck. We saw lag spikes throughout the mission - probably when AI units were spawning in. Fortunately not when we were too close to ground.
Mission was good fun - Mirages kept any MiGs off us and target was undefended by radar SAMS so we didn’t use SIDEARMS. Dixon bombed the comms tower (two actually) with LGBs but not sure if it registered as dead or not. I think we also had some confusion over RWR symbology and were getting spooked by friendly F-15s looking at us, rather than SA-15 sites.
Watched the Vid the other day and heard the discussion about the 15 simbology on the RwR. To be honest I was pissing myself laughing, this might help
What kind of idiots let me lead the flight on my sodding first DCS coop eh? :roflmao::roflmao:
Think the confusion possibly stemmed from perhaps the F-15s briefly locking us up on ingress - which might (will have to watch vid again) have produced a lollipop on the HUD and made us think that Phil had plonked a SAM in the mountains for us to run over…