Some of my models

Hi friends,

I just like to share my other passion with you and show you some of my models. But
first of all, I’d like to present you my little workbench:

Here are some models:


i’m not an expert, but they seems awesome to me! :D:eek::slight_smile:

Really nice, expecially u-boat!
What model is it, VIIc?

Nice models… compliments

Thank you for your comments.

@Ribbon: Yes, it’s the U-Boot VIIc - a nice model from Revell although I’m not very fond of this brand.
Sometimes they manage to produce very good and very detailed, crisp models - but on the
other hand they can issue a new model in the same year with bad details (ex. Spitfire Mk. IIa).

Generally, I try to keep on brands like Tamiya, Hasegawa, Trumpeter, Takom, Meng and HobbyBoss although
they are quite pricey and issue often already well known types of planes, so not much of diversity.
Recently a gave it a go with Special Hobby’s YAK-3, which is a lovely model but with some issues and still
in WIP.


Can’t wait to see yak-3, one of my fav planes!

Realized just few days ago. You can see a lot of other photos in the thread: “Modelling”