Rugby World Cup

Come on Wales!!



Quick, there’s a closet egg chaser, don’t let him get away. :slight_smile:

My mother’s maiden name was Nolan. Always like to see the Irish do well. Didn’t happen today did it… :frowning:

Bloody Welsh, where’s Ming?

And now, even the other small UK nation still has a hope in the round ball game :woohoo:

Yeah but you lot usually get the cheap 5 day return :laugh:


I walked out into the woods with a service revolver Brigs. What a bloody lumpen shower :slight_smile:


Bet you got all the records then :laugh:


Cymru am byth!


I can sense some tears tomorrow :slight_smile:


We was robbed. Perhaps the fact the refs name was Alain and he has a French mother had something to do with it!?



A message from Her Majesty on Twitter this morning:

Queen_UK Elizabeth Windsor
Get One the name of that referee and get MI6 on the phone