RoF objects

I’ve had a chat at neoqb Colin and there’s at least a Dolphin on the list to be picked up, apart from airfield equipment and wotnot

There’s a Dolphin being rebuilt at RAF something Shropshire, I may go down there in the next few weeks to take some shots and a testing friend at the neoqb wind tunnel has lots of info

I’m finding out neoqb’s model specifications

Nothing firm and binding but worth a dekko I reckon, see what sort of task one would be talking about and how much the work’s worth. The labourer is worthy of his hire. We’d do it for nothing yes of course but grease and carrots are not to be sneezed at. For that we have the fairy dust :slight_smile:


Remembering that i know next to nothing about ww1 period aircraft…

Is this the Sopwith 5.F1 Dolphin we are talking about Peter ?

Ground vehicles would be what? French, British, whatever was available ?


Whatever you know I know less trust me Sporran and no false modesty

I’ve only just heard about the work on the Dolphin, will fill in the details as and when

It’s hard to find info on kit but I found a few model suppliers that do airfield kit, WW1 equipment. I’ve got my eye on a refueler (sic) that looks like an oildrum with a hose, nozzle and wheels :slight_smile:

The centre started hosting periodic open house visits in 2007, and at certain times of the year where the public can go and view the aircraft restoration work going on. See the pics below of the state of completion their Sopwith Dolphin was at during the last session. If interested, you’ll need to contact the appropriate representative to get the date for the next open house. The Dolphin is apparently progressing fairly quickly now, so eventual display at the RAF Museum or IPWM may be not too far off.

…information on the next visit to see the restoration work at Cosford and/or for the display status of the Sopwith Dolphin can be found below:

Pics taken of the Sopwith Dolphin restoration at one of the recent open houses:

Gennadich Dolphin, finding out about progress on that

Something for the weekend Sir :slight_smile:


By kind permission-

State of play for myself.

Spent a little time researching the Dolphin and found a usable ( with a little work )3view and some good reference pictures of the reconstruction work.

Still cleaning up the 3view and continueing to look for photo references ( 3views are sadly not always accurate )


photo references

We’re on holiday soon Sporran and we may get down to see the Dolphin being rebuilt and grab some shots

I’ve not heard from VikS about the neoqb (was gennadich) Dolphin, I may give him a reminding-poke. It’s probably just the cockpit that needs building


NP Ming, just long hours at work and nothing on the 3d books at the moment is making me want to get cracking at a project and learn more about 3d content creation for gaming.

Aircraft have always been a trail for me and i think its past time i made inroads in this particular field.


I saw a list of upcoming RoF planes and the Dolphin’s on it

They kept that quiet :slight_smile:
