RoF 4th March

There will be a mission tonight.

Had a few test flight this morning in RoF and I can manage it OK-ish.
Luckily it doesn’t require constant throttle/mixture adjustments, so I can manage that.

CoD is out of the question for a few weeks though, until I can use my left arm again.

So with that

Please sign up for tonight


Good to see you’re on the mend Brigs.

Unfortunately I’m working lates today so can’t join you. Have fun.


I’ll sign up…looking forward to it.

Yes I’m in


Is it just the 3 of us?

I’m sorry, it was just a 10 hours I didn’t check the forum, because I was about to fly some training with Keets in the same time…

Stats updated.

Splash and Jojko both made Lieutenant

awesome! I’m the officer now and Brigs will call me sir :anpeace: