Rise of Flight open beta

Puff and I and maybe Marsh soon are flying beta/open beta and neoqb are currently asking for 1.015/1.016 testers.

Two-seaters (and more Sopwiths) can’t be far away now and may arrive in time for the cooler flying-season… that’s when the sim will properly take off in my humble opinion, when it achieves critical mass :slight_smile:

The sim is very good now, please give us a shout in-thread if you’re thinking about taking on the Red Baron and his Dastardly Circus online and we’ll post meet times


I’d be interested. If that’s OK

Hi Ming,
I’de interesting if Ok for you.


Thanks chaps, will report back


Han asks me if we want to form an EAF sub-team chaps, please let me know what you think before I reply, I’ve told Han that I will check first on your levels of enthusiasm :slight_smile:

I must advise you that Jason is in the mix now and he already said he’s ‘watching us’ (I quote accurately) and so you will need to be committed to turning up for testing sessions when possible, or possibly face the Wrath of Jason. That would probably not be a pretty sight :slight_smile:

Subteams at the moment info

… before starting the most major part of RoF way from first release times… Subteam leaders (Zuboff, Gunslinger, Sizzlor, Viper)

So there are currently four subteams in testing

I’ve tried to find the schedules for testing sessions but so many posts over there… I know that subteams were flying at the weekends, Sat/Sun afternoon sessions: Friday night late is always good for me :slight_smile:

There will be server-testing and an ideal opportunity for our network-savvy comrades to help out, I hope there will be first looks at the SDKs (for campaign-building and modding, creating objects and so on) too for beta-teams to test. Although these are more like WIP teams, as beta-testing finished with the latest and current version 1.014.

The versions that we’ll be testing will be 1.015 and 1.016 <pause> can’t wait to see RoF 2.0 :slight_smile:

I can report that 777 Studios have plans for the Moscow development team way beyond what I’d imagined, Rise of Flight is not a one-off, Jason plans that it will be the first of many expansions. And he seemed interested when I mentioned an armour sim please :slight_smile:

The bit I like is that they’ve got two versions of WIP versions er, in progress. They seem to already have the long-term view, and Puff will confirm I think that these guys are seriously good game developers…

So a chance to get in on the ground floor, the more the merrier for the EAFWW1 subteam, fill the dangerous skies with EAF-ers, <voice rising in pitch and volume> an opportunity to chase the Circus back to Berlin comrades! We’re going to need bigger fuel tanks :slight_smile:


Hey Ming,
as Il2 is not working anymore for me, I really would be interested to put my flying time into ROF. Problem is, that exams are coming in autumn, so any idea about how much testing and flying is needed to be effective? I never did something like this.

It’s interesting Paf, the developers set up a server or we set up a server and we test the latest WIP build. I haven’t flown much online yet because I do not like flying alone but an EAF flight sounds like the best fun and silk scarves :slight_smile:

Online it’s very competitive with the dogfight servers, for me I like more structured, realistic flying in cooperative play, enjoying the flying itself- but that will come

I think we can have even a two-man team so I’ll ask Han to set us up as EAFWW1 squadron and we’ll see if we can get an EAF presence in there. The flying is fairly amazing and- if Oleg was looking for beta-testers he might be looking at the Rise of Flight beta-testing team for people to test Storms of War. Is my thinking. I always have a plan. And a backup plan of course. This is why I have a parasol in my Camel cockpit. And an airbag :slight_smile:

How much testing is up to you mate, calls come to turn up for online meets now and then as the devs are fixing something and need it checked in online play, or to check server loading, things like that


Il2 is not working anymore

I hope we’re still planning to do SEOW campaigns, I miss Italy and Malta. And Rangoon :slight_smile:

SoW SOS :slight_smile:


On the other hand, just trying to land a plane in Rise of Flight takes more skill and concentration than flying to Berlin and back in Il-2. Takes just as long sometimes too. And the wreckage, my God the wreckage lol :slight_smile:


Thanks or the heads up mate, I’ll have to dust off my ROF and have another flight. Had constant weird GPU overheating hangs before but it looked stunning before everything turned flashing purple :slight_smile:

Very quiet with the summer leave so a good time to have a rof online meet up on a regular flight night if you fancy? Monday?

I would love to fly ROF in a team regularly.

I too am interested in this - beautiful sim, and scenery - like Ming, I just like the flying, cant hit a barn door at the moment to be fair, strangely I am around this monday so could update and dust off RoF for a EAF session.

Tally bally ho!

Thanks for replying chaps, I’ll tell Han that we are ready to fly testing sessions as a Rise of Flight squadron

Mikke I hope I am not causing problems for EAF HQ by organising an EAF presence in Rise of Flight. I figure you are always reading and you can let me know if I am going about this the wrong way. We don’t want to mess up before SoW arrives, which will be Our Natural Home I think :slight_smile:

I’m up for Monday, flying anything skipper. We had the fire on last night for the first in a long time, the flying season can’t be far away. Hoo-bloody-ray! :slight_smile:


Setting up mixture and radiator controls for manual operation- aaggh :slight_smile:

Does anyone have shots of the cockpits, with legends identifying those controls please? I’m starting with the Camel

Or pointers to them, thanks!



the menu to the right has all the cockpit features for all aircraft :slight_smile:

Yes, these are some really useful videos.

Ming, please add me to the Roster. Been plugging away with the E-III what a bird for that day and age… :slight_smile:

Word of caution, you WILL die if shot down and need to make a emergency landing as there is no upper wing to prevent your Bean from being crushed like a egg when the Kite goes nose up…:stuck_out_tongue:

You’re in Osprey


I keep expecting Gert Frobe :slight_smile:

Thanks Puff

The Camel yes that’s the first one needing attention, got the mixture control, what about the radiator?

Camel, SE5a, Dolphin: need to get their controls sussed. I think the German kit is all auto-everything. The fiendish Hun :slight_smile:


Osprey, sorry bout quitting the server last night, I normally fly on the HS server and the guys came onto TS in mid flight, so I jumped to that server.

Ming, I’ll be online tonight and I can talk you through the controls required for each aircraft…if you wish?

Yes please Puff, thanks mate, lifeline :slight_smile:
