He got caught out for what he is, in the words of Jeremy Clarkson, ‘a one eyed Scottish idiot’ (no offence to any 602 btw).
The only good thing is that it confirms what the Liebour party have been denying for months, he’s a bully who cannot abide being questioned or hearing views that are not his own.
Maybe empathy, then. I now have his ‘face in hands’ picture as my screen background but as someone who has put their foot in it a few times, I know that ball-shrinking ‘oh shit!’ moment
He is a living example of ‘be careful of what you wish for’. Ten years of sulking a like child thinking ‘I can be a much better PM’ - well its not so easy now is it - you mong!!!
As for lying about defence spending while lads/lasses are being blown apart that just grips my :mad::mad::mad::mad:
The real mystery is why an entire political party - who must have some bright people in its ranks, didn’t see this coming a mile off and keep him well away from the top slot…
“You know that pant-wetting mentally unbalanced wierdo, with the rictus grin, creepy jaw movement, sociopathic tendencies and no charm whatsoever? - Let’s make him leader!”