Red Orchestra: enlistment

Bought HL2 DOD and RedOrchestra using Steam. No problems here :slight_smile:

Seems real to me Mikke because his North African campaign was: his troopship was sunk by enemy bombers on the way to North Africa and he was sent to the Ostfront.

Not a very romantic chapter :slight_smile:

If fake he would make up story of North Africa and be sunk on the way back :slight_smile:


OKay, I went and installed it on my new laptop, and there at least I can get the game started. Progress!

Just got it yesterday.


So as a old Counterstrike player who found Day of Defeat before it was turned into a clone of Counterstrike and has now turned to Americas Army do you recomend i buy Red Orchestra?

Have enjoyed Call of Duty but felt it missed something.

I have played most, if not all of the FPS games and i find RO to be the most realistic. I have also served in the British Infantry, so i know how it should be.

In RO, you have no crosshairs in your field of vision If you want to aim you have to actually look through the weapon sights. You get tired when you run and others can hear your heavy breathing.
These are the two main things that i find excellent, but realistic bullet fall, realistic vehicle handling (yes armoured cars really are that top-heavy, i know, i’ve driven a few) and some excellent maps make it an excellent game.

I bought it on Steam for $25, but i would have paid £35($55) for it no problem.


Picked this up yesterday - quite awesome!

My tag is EGF_Flashheart if you want to add my to buddies list…

Any servers that EAF frequent/recommend?

Im playing always on this server also with51 m8s…very nice and many new maps!

Thanx Seyou - think i was on the nano server yesterday!

Read almost all of them, during my Service in the IAF. Shocked by “Commando Himmler”, about Warsaw’s Resistance.

Pluto is the Big Rough One, much alike Little Brother (Fratellino, in the Italian translation).

Much of what is written there has been confirmed by my East Front Veteran relatives, and by my Russian friends…it seems that, with the exception of Montecassino, no West Front event of battle can give the faintest idea of what happened in Russia…

Let me finally say with a certain degree of pride that one day in 1943 Radio Moscow announced officially: “The only enemy unit that can expect a slight chance to get out of our Motherland ALIVE are Italian Alpine Troops…the only ones who never practiced terror…”

One last “boring” anecdote: I spent this year’s End of WWII Anniversary (April, 25th for Italians - self-liberation of Milan) in Cologne, Nord-Rhein Westphalen, with Udo, a dear friend of mine…much older than me: “At the beginning of 1945, they started selecting people from the HitlerJugend for the Defence of Berlin…we were supposed to go there with a single PanzerFaust-an antitank rocket-to stop Soviet Armor. I was turned down…not tall enough: lucky, eh???”

We started crying and drank the afternoon away…

No, sorry…I’m definitely not going to play RO…

Can we get a list for RO players so we can find the through our Buddy list? You can add me EGF_Osprey

I added you last week Osprey check the original post mate?

Tidy battlefield :slight_smile:


Well, I have changed my callsign to EGF_Mikke in RO, not that I’m playing it very often even though I think it’s pretty good.

I bought and loaded RO yesterday - so my EGF_Painter handle ‘should’ work now …


New recruit EGF_Classic reporting for duty Sir!


As: EGF_Triple1

Add me to the list, got the game yesterday.

EGF_Stuntman is my nick. (Add me on friends on Steam if you like:

Btw, is anyone playing it? I would love doing some teamwork with anyone here.

I like the game because of its theatre, but the only thing I miss is real coop and teamwork. I am interested in playing with anyone from EAF, so just ask and I will gladly join.:smiley:

played this game a long time ago, is the normandy mod any good?? the game was pretty good before.

Much as I love this game I kept getting lock-ups (admitted on my old PC), might reinstall and give it another go

Never tried any mod, East Front is ok with me really.

But If we need to have a mod, I would really want to try a mod where you are in Africa, British versus German and Italians.:slight_smile:

So if anyone here is interested, what about set a day. Please tell me when it suits you most and we could try playing together?

I can go every day except Late Saturday. We could go on Saturday, but then we need to start around 1-2pm if I’m going to join.

Hope anyone is interested!:smiley: