Hi guys, just to formally inform you if you didn’t know already - as per Bear’s request - I have requested to retire from EAF. This infact is not due to 602 splitting or for another other reason other than over the past months as most of you noticed I haven’t been around flying as much (and it shows :eek: ) because I have been busy playing other games namely WoW
As a gamer FB led me to EAF and I have stayed now as long as practically possible. I have enjoyed some excellent nights flying both in the online wars and just in EAF dogfight servers hosted kindly by Mas, Mikke and others’, the list goes on. Jirka is right in his post, EAF is something different.
I wish whoever takes over 602 the best of luck and also 310 squadron who has now doubled in its’ operational capacity and everyone else in EAF in the future. As a gamer I will be back flying when and if Battle of Britain lives up to my/our expectations - I’m hopeful it will - but until then I will see you around.
P.S. - if any of you want or need to contact me privately send me an email to ryder2003 at ntlworld dot com
I hope to see you back in EAF soon
We’ll have a welcome for you
Best of luck in WoW
{edit} I posted this in the tactics room, just in case you miss it
There’s a welcome here if you want to come back, either to 602 or to that other squad{edit}
Just to make it clear, Bear didn’t ask Sterling to retire, just to announce it.
Yes, right. In fact when Sterling decided to retire, and told it to us, I thought it would be a better thing that it would be him to tell this news to all the EAF members. - Thanks Mikke -
Sterling: I also hope to have you back when the BoB will be out. In the mean time I whish you good luck and good hinting!
All the best Sterling, and thanks for the training sessions. Hope to see you around. BTW, do you mean Wings of War? I’ve got that, it’s got some lovely looking kites.
Sterling, sad to see you retire
I remember all this nice and helpful training sessions…
I wish you all the best and maybe we will meet again in english skies soon…
Good memories mate, especailly the War missions and the rag tag group of flyers from every EAF squadron, you did a good job at leading up in those. You prompt me to look more in ACM as you researched and tried to become a better pilot and you did, a well deserved T/O.