RC 2 patch



Thanks TonyR.

Thanks, good thing I failed to install RC1

Anyone know of any mirrors yet? I guess the given link has been saturated because it only offers a music download program. BEWARE!


No it doesn’t, look in the bottom left the “download counts down” and Download box appears automatically.

Below Upload your files here

got it here myself, now installed :slight_smile:

Whiskey torrent link?



Excellent. Thanks Brigs.


Just for info Brigs I couldn’t download the patch from your link. Tried several times but never got more that about 50MB of the 344MB before the download stopped?


Whiskey try this



Got it, thanks chaps.


Thanks for the torrent link Splash. Have downloaded and will install on monday.

Looks like they are slowly getting it fixed, I just hope they haven’t added new bugs with this release. :slight_smile:

Working for me, just tried it. But i do use download managers.
IDM on windows and iGetter on my Mac. Both worked fine.

Not worth a new thread, but something that might be worth trying: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=28085

Very interesting, have to try it. Extremely annoying when contacts just disappears.

Reading the thread Marsh has posted, changing the setting looks like it causes stuttering and FPS drop.

Did not try the trick March linked to, but I did up my graphics settings (was vsync limited to 60fps almost all the time anyway), and that made view distance a bit better I think.

Flew the patch yesterday, and so far my impression is really positive. No problems taking the Spit up high (at least to 21000ft in a Ia 100 oct), climb felt much better in both the Spit and the Hurri. Didn’t notice any other problems, except I might have gotten some slight micro stutters after 2 hours of flying, but that might just be me becoming confused. :stuck_out_tongue:

Steam just updated my install. No information on the 1c site though :confused:

Looks like its the release patch