Promotions all round at 602

Thanks all of those that joined 602 TS channel tonight - it’s not often we have 3 promotions to announce.

First, as expected after working hard in OTU, Redundant completed his training to receive his wings and promotion to P/O.

Puff, who has been a P/O for some considerable time so for participation and dedication to EAF receives a promotion to F/O.

Finally, in recognition in the efforts that Sporran has put in as T/O to improve 602 as an effective fighting unit and his considerable input to OTU and all trainees there. Also for showing leadership within 602 and OTU in his own humble way, Sporran is promoted to Flt/Lt.

It’s an honour to have such fine men and friends in 602 and EAF.

Good news! Congratulations!

Damn! Did I miss a fxxxng party??



Congratulations Redundant, Puff and Sporran :slight_smile:

Well done,


Grattis! :slight_smile:

Congratulations both

Congratulations guys

Congratulations Redundant, Puff and Sporran drinks are on you S! :w00t:

As said last night, congrats all and much deserved (mines a pint please)

Well done chaps, congrats!


Well done and Well deserved :ani_beer:

Congratulations all!!

Drinks all round chaps!

Grattis alla! :slight_smile: Well deserved…

Thank you all,

Firstly, congratulations Puff and Redundant, ~S~ gentlemen, good show !

On my promotion:

This left me speechless, not the usual state of affairs for sure,:p, that is why i have not replied until now.

Just last week, Joe90 had joked with me about giving a trainee the wings i had pinned to my chest, I replied that Flt/Sgt Sporran had a certain ring to it.

However, the faith that has been placed in me has made me concider what i am currently doing. I am sure 602 will be glad to hear that i shall redouble my efforts with them to increase our units effectiveness…

queue groans from 602 :roflmao:

I wait patiently for a long list of additional duties a flt/lt is expected to carry out…


PS: do i get an orderly ? :))

Thanks to all

Congratulations to Puff and Sporran well deserved promotions

Firstly a big thankyou to all EAF members for making me feel welcome
To all those who helped me with technical problems and modding nightmares a really big Thankyou

To my T/Os Nepe and Sporran words cannot express how gratefull I am to you for giving up you own time to spend with me on the stages of my training
I have learned so much from you and I know I still have much to learn, looking forward to squad nights even more now I have my wings

Thanyou all

Congrats all, Big Men! :slight_smile:

I’d like to add my congratulations, well done and very much deserved.

Congratulations chaps on your promotions.Well done! S~
(Just like Kris said…mines a pint too :slight_smile: )


Sporran, Puff & Redundant: happy congrats!!

Congratulations Puff, Sporran and Redundant

Well done!!