Programmazione settimanale prossimi mesi/ Next months Schedule

Buongiorno piloti,

Comunicazione di servizio

col buon caro Jimmy stiamo considerando di mantenere il Lunedì per volare con DCS e magari anche con gli altri dell’EAF41 quando possibile.
Per quanto riguarda i vari IL2 BOX e Clod/Tobruk, abbiamo pensato di mantere il mercoledì/giovedì come serata ufficiale per questo sim, in concomitanza con gli eventi che stanno organizzando sempre al mercoledì sul canale Discord di ITAWING, anche con l’aiuto di una nostra cara vecchia conoscenza!

Abbiamo un pò di carne al fuoco!


Hello pilots,

Service communication

With Jimmy we are considering keeping Monday to fly with DCS and maybe also with the other pilots of the EAF41 when possible.
As for the various IL2 BOX and Clod / Tobruk, we decided to keep Wednesday / Thursday as the official evenings for this sim, in conjunction with the events that are organizing on Wednesdays on the ITAWING’s Discord channel, also with the help of a dear old friend!

We have a lot to work on!

@51Squadron @41wing


va bene. Cercherò di giostrarmi tra uno e l’altro sim.

Hi Cappe and all at 51.
Effectively Monday is our WW2 night on DCS. This may be on the SoW Normandy server or on our own server, as lately we have been using “Liberation” campaign building software on the Caucasus map which allows for persistent campaigns, automatic population of the map with AI air and ground forces. It works with a points system giving a budget which allows you to purchase resources. With some advanced warning it should be possible to integrate some 51 pilots in this - we need advanced warning to ensure we have enough credits so that our coalition can get you aircraft to fly.