Popping in to say hello from JG5 again

Now the game is playable are there many of you guys flying CLOD?

I packed it in last year after the official patch made the sim unplayable with crashes after 40 minutes.

This TF Mod has been brilliant so far and JG5 are once again taking to the air albeit on a smaller scale. So far there is 4 of the original JG5 flying and hopefully we’ll twist a few more arms along the way.

At the moment we’ve flown on ATAG but apparently the JG27 guys have been running campaigns. The last one had something like 85 pilots online. They’re also starting to do a mid week historical mission which looks really interesting.


Hope to see some of you online again although preferably not on my six :smiley:



Hi Emil,

How’s things? How are the other JG5 chaps going? Thijs, Metal etc?

There’s a few of us flying this from 92, 331 and 322 in various degrees.

We’ve generally been flying it on Thursdays, either in a campaign or on ATAG.

I was going to suggest we jump online tomorrow night, so hopefully see you there.

I’ve been itching to fly it again, especially since the TF mod. Post up when your on next lads please.

We’ve been flying it most Thursdays Swoop.

So, tomorrow night. 8:30/9pm onwards.

Hi Keets

Everyone is well. Myself Thijs and Schuck started flying again recently after we found out about the TF Mod. Svale is on his hols but hopefully will be back flying again and I believe we will be able to tempt Boelie back as well. Our good freind Hess was on TS last night although he is phobic about Steam :smiley:

I sent an email to the rest of the guys and it was nice to hear back from Jerry, Jara and Metal although those three aren’t likely to be flying any time soon. Not heard from Unkle yet but I will continue to spam his email until he comes back or changes it :smiley:

I think there will be a couple of us online for the mission tomorrow night and once the summer hols are out of the way we should be back in business.


If you haven’t tried it yet Swoop you will love the TF Mod it’s made CLOD exactly the way it should have been on release.

Let Hess know, I think it’s now possible to fly without Steam. There’s something on SimHQ about it, though I’m not a conspiracy theorist, so happily use it.

Perhaps see you online tomorrow then. :slight_smile:

And please pass on my regards to Thijs and the rest, I haven’t seen him online for ages.

Well now SEOW is taken a holiday for me and I have a new office space at home with a new ‘old’ PC setup perhaps its time I really take a look at CloD, I bought it a while after release but knew my machine could not run it and as such I’ve not even ever started the engine simply installed, started, exited and went back to IL2 and SEOW :smiley:

Ha ha I had a ‘high end’ and it still ran like crap for me :smiley:

Some of the tweaks they’ve done to optimise the graphics are very good, you can now look at clouds without fps going in to single figures. Same for smoke, contrails and fire. They seemed to partly get rid of the tree shimmer as well.

The LOD problem has been improved a little but I think the next patch is where we will see that get fixed. Basically at around 1.4 km aircraft can appear to disappear but it’s no where as bad as before. I’m trying to find out other tweaks we can do ourselves, apparently changing the contrast and gamma helps, the JG27 guys seem to know what they are doing so I’ll see if I can get a list of tweaks from them.

It was just myself and Schuck tonight, we took off and escorted the Stukas over to Manston which was completely destroyed. A shipping convoy was then attacked and the RAF came up in inferior numbers and valiantly fought back. We didn’t get much action but it was nice to see large groups of aircraft flying in formation.

Tonight was our last mission of the current SE, it was blast in a 5FN but that another story with a beer in hand. Monday looks set for a DCG to get practice for the next North Africa SE in September, defending Malta in Hurris :). But I hope to dip into COD next Thursday now I know you lads are on - see you.

Brigstock and I were in as were Bob and Pax.

Nice to hear from you Emil!
i wanted to wait for the TF lod patch before running again CLOD but maybe i’ll fly it earlier :wink:

Just updated to TF 3.01 (???) which went very smoothly so count me in for Thursdays.

Quite enjoyed flying the 109 / 110 - must be something wrong with me :stuck_out_tongue:

Has anyone flown any storm of war campaigns yet? I’ve just registered on the forum and hope to find out some more. - http://www.stormofwar.net/

No. but I’ve been looking at that too.
Looks good.

Bob and I considered it, however the start of these campaigns are a bit to early in the evening.