[political] Is the EU wasting money?

As a general policy we don’t talk politics here, but I think this shouldn’t be too infecting, we don’t have any french in EAF after all. :wink:

As you might know the EU parlament have two sites that they alternate between (once a month!), one in Brussels, Belgium, the other in Strasbourg, France. This moving cost €200 million each year, payed by the member countries (aka you and me! our american friends excepted), in my opinion a useless waste. Apparantly others is of the same opinion, and if you think it’s a good idea to stop it, go to http://www.oneseat.eu/ and sign the petition.

Signed. Useless waste of money.

Thanks Mikke

Signed Mikke :o

Now is it me or do the EU have a policy on being stupid? I remember when an EU ruling came in stating UK Bananas were not yellow enough :confused:

You all remember that?

Nice cause mate !

Techy :cool:

Signed ! :slight_smile:

Signed, of course!

Signed, i pay hundreds in tax a month, nice to see it is getting wasted:mad:

Hmmm…“Money” you say?

Yes, sounds familiar, i think i had some of that before i got married? Comes in a leather case if i remember correctly?

Signed, do we split the 200 million even or what?


signed sealed and delivered :slight_smile:

Done right now!

So, did you also get a mail in swedish today? :smiley:

877 000 have signed it so far, still a few to go before the goal of 1 million.

Mine was in english :slight_smile:

(yes yes, I know we’re not part of the EU, but we pay frigging enough to you guys that I want a say!!)