Polite war invite by Squad JG5

Hello guys, JG5_Thijs here

This scorched earth war seems like a pretty nice idea!
A nice idea might be a campaign which might be interesting is the Italian campaign from around October 1943 to January 1944. In that case Germans could fly Bf109G-6 late, and Focke-Wulf 190A-6 fighters. Other planes could be Bf110’s Ju88 and He111.
I don’t know which spitfires where there but I would say MK IXc’s, some later MK V series P-38’s and some other American aircraft.

Just an idea.

MG, Thijs

Sorry I missed these posts.

Can you wait a few weeks, an SE campaign takes a little time to set up and I’m unavailable for a few weeks. However when I come back we can get something organised.

October 1943 to January 1944.

MY suggestion for “med” planeset late 43 (yes, my homeland scenary :wink: ):

Me 109 G6
Me 109G-6 late
FW 190A-6
Bf 110

Regia Aeronautica
Me 109 G6

Spitfire IX
Spitfire VB and VC


That’s all, I believe… :slight_smile:

Sounds great! :):w00t:

~S~ Thijs.

Sounds Very nice.

Good inspiration.


The Redwulves also seem to be up for a Scoched Earth campaign. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to get things set up, we never hosted one of those type of campaigns before. Maybe we could have a small number of other squads join us as well?

Metal How many pilots will there be between JG5 and Redwulves?. In my opinion to start with we would be better with a small number of squads that we know rather than open it up. SE is unlike Bellum and doesnt need large numbers of squads to suceed, we have run some great campaigns as a inter squad war and so im sure Redwulves and JG5 will be enough.

Re the hosting Brigs has everything in hand re SE we have run 6 already so you need not worry on that account.

When we get off the ground and start a campaign all you will need is a small number of you to act as commanders to do the actual planning of the missions. Thats done thru a very simple web based interface and doesnt take long to learn or master.

Agree with Meako, SE is not Bellum in any way at all. Missions need planning and cannot be done on the fly, as in Bellum. My advice keep it small for now until you have got yhe hang of it. In SE you control everything down to individual tanks on the field.
I have two campaigns ready to go, Ardennes 1940 or Normandy 1944. The win objective needs to be agreed but otherwise they are ready to go

Hey guys,

The Redwulves told me they would have about 6 pilots on tuesdays and thursdays, JG5 will have between 4 and 6 pilots ready. Maybe we could discuss planesets and objectives on comms?

Battle of France 1940 template is loaded and ready to use.
Start date to be confirmed by both sides.
Main objective for Allied defend Bastogne
Main objective for Axis take Bastogne
Maybe a good idea to set a mission/time limit or play it until “last man standing”

Hi JG5 and Redwolf. I’m looking forward to our SE battle.

If you want a taste of the immersion and an example of how the ground war and air war must work together, have a look at a movie I made from our Milne Bay campaign:
