Please welcome...

Yes! Bring on SEOW now… ;):banana:

Thanks Mram!

A strong addition to 331 and the EAF. Now 331 can put together a full division with a few reserves in IL2. Time for a inter EAF ACM competition as well:) 2 vs 2 and 4 vs 4. I know the “go to” guy for this!:o

Many congratulations mate, it’s an honor to have you in our ranks!

Whaou! That’s a great idea! We can work on it after the ground pounding tournament!

331? Who on earth tricked you into that? :eek:

Callsign and rights updated. Prepare to start learning swedish. :wink:

And Danish, Norwegian. I guess us Scandies now have to learn Dutch/Nederlands as well. I have a suggestion. Why don’t we just stick to English?

Nah, äran och hjältars språk should be enough for everyone! And while we wait for everyone else to realise and learn it, we’ll speak english when necessary (or something similar to it at least). :wink2:

Really shouldn’t be too hard for someone speaking dutch to learn swedish. Just stop talking like a dane, remove the english and the german parts from the language (except everything we borrowed from them, and they learned from us), and you should be pretty close to talking swedish. :w00t:

I’ll hope they won’t let you eat this…:eek:

:roflmao: …

I had my first Surströmming in 1978, you can’t scare me away with that, I’m sorry…:stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, that’s not Norwegian but Swedish, right?

Our secret is discovered! This is our super weapon! Everyone was so focused on Iraq, but WE had the most powerful WMD of them all. Surströmming!:wink:

Yes, surströmming is Swedish, made some 100-150km south of me. Me on the other hand never eat it, hate the smell, and don’t eat “normal” fish either.:stuck_out_tongue:

In Norway they have some other type of disgusting fish, but I don’t know the name of that. :roflmao:

Lutefisk! :smiley:

Rather disgusting lol.

I’m happy to see another face join us in 331, we haven’t had many newcomers for the last, how many years? Starfire was the last one. :roflmao:

I’m looking very much forward to fly with you Snafu! I’m just waiting for my cable for my Saitek then I’m finally going somewhere.

I was the last one. Well, before Snafu joined.

Yeah of course! My head’s too slow. Still, the join rate could be better than one guy every third year. :smiley: