Please help me test

I am planning to run a DF-server as warm up every Mon and Thu.
(Mikkes Normandy map)

It is up and running right now on HL (EAF DF 408).
Please let me know if everything works, and report here. I think I got it right on the router, but… :wink:


Zhibbie reports it is working fine, Thanks :slight_smile:

No probs for me either.

Everyone is welcome on Mon/Thu, and server will be used for warm-up and training.


Splendid idea Hans.

Handy to get ones eye in before diving into squad activities


Also gives a bit of ‘inter squad’ banter/mischief :rolleyes:

Great idea Hans, everything that serves as inter-squad training is welcome :slight_smile:

One question: would it be possible to make some fixed objectives in the dog, so we have more reasons to work together?

The basic mission is the one I usually host with the normandie map with ground targets. I think Hans might/will edit it, but it’s fully possible to set objectives for the map. Say destroy all V-1 ramps, sink all ships etc, but it could be built on further.