plane cartoon?

why I don’t have see this when I was young!

Hiya Wildykins. Can you remember who that fantastic cartoonist we had in our midst was some years ago? He was a Spanish dood I think, a big friend of Stefan Thiem’s and me. (Thiem, best damn German I’ve ever met.)
I was so proud of being included in one of his cartoon strips and I lost the bloody precious thing after an HD did a non return mission.

The cartoons were based around an axis pilot who sang La Cacucarracha and had a dog who spoke about him behind his back :roflmao:!!! as he went to war and drank lots of alcohol. (Man I had an affinity with that character!)

I’m so embarrassed I’ve forgotten the fine gentleman’s name, entschuldigen sie bitte.

Sorry for hijacking yer thread neeb. ;+)

Hiya tovarich Growlosky, not sorry here in italy I remamber only Robot and rocket

Schon dich zu sehen jung! My German is schidt hot!!

Wildy, this fella was a pilot in Stefan’s Sqdrn. A good pilot but a FANTASTIC cartoonist. He drew expressions on the FW’s, ME’s, Spits and Hurris faces.
A rare talent indeed and I’m really pissed at myself for forgetting his name.

Hopefully one of the EAF guys will read this and set me right.

I think I could still whup your ass btw…:bootyshk:


Hey Growler :smiley:

Growler: >>The cartoons were based around an axis pilot who sang La Cacucarracha and had a dog who spoke about him behind his back !!! as he went to war and drank lots of alcohol. (Man I had an affinity with that character!)<<

Ay yes I can remember the cartoon, but i cant get the name or page again :frowning:

You mean these ones? :smiley:

Now without getting things twisted at all, do any of the younger folk remember ‘Ring Raiders’??

I think the cartoons made for that series when I was young were by far my favourite.

Mikke yer a goodun. Thanks very much for posting those, brings back some great memories. Vichausen was the chap’s name as signed on his cartoons.
Great stuff. :w00t:

You’re welcome Growler. :slight_smile:

Had them on my work computer, found them when I cleaned it out.