PE-2 Addon

What are we going to do about these new addons, i beleive they are coming out in this order

  1. Only Pe-2 addon (7th-17th april depending where u are)
  2. Pe-2 + IL-10
  3. Pe-2 + IL-10 + 46
    Are we going to wait for the last adddon or get them in order, either way i think this is going to split hyperlobby:( because everyone is going to be on different addons or not use them at all. Ant thoughts comrades

Oh? Is there an official link to these, or even an authorative one?

Airwarfare has all the info just click on forgotten battles and scroll down to news.

I’m with you Painter I demand linkage :slight_smile:


There’s been a similar debate at Ubi, and it was pointed out that what with AEP, PF and all the patches, there were lots of servers running different game versions until people caught up and a norm developed. I think that will happen again, but most of the online community are likely to buy all 3 so after each release most people will graduate to 4.0x+1 and be in sync again.

Acording to SaQuOn (?), they will be released in the order Pe-2, Il-10 and '46 and function in the same way as patches in that they have to be installed in that order so '46 will be the last 4.0x+3 (or whatever).

Linkage (original post by CrazyIvan):

This is a No 2 below, with a (maybe) 17 April release from UBI.

I’ll buy the lot, though VVS 1946 may just be a compatibility purchase.

{edit}I view CI as authoratative, but he is neither 1C, nor UBI, so not official{/end edit}

I’m getting all of them as they come out.

I’m really looking forward to the Pe-2and Il-10 ones. More mudmoving! :slight_smile:

I’ll only buy the last one as it combines all 3 add-ons together, it will also make re-installs easier with just minimal discs. Also, I’m not made of money!
If this has an impact on our community with split servers etc, I’m afraid its ‘bye bye Trooper’, until I find one that operates with all 3 at a later date…

Russian version of Pe-2 Addon is out on CD?! version 4.05m

Preview can be found here

It is my understanding that each of the new addons will increase the version number. Meaning if you want compatibility on HL you’ll need the addons to join games.
I’ll be buying all 3 addons, but only for compatibility

Yes mate, I understand exactly what you are saying, but as they will all be out by July, I just can’t buy all three so as I can play on HL.
So I assume that if one is not interested in a ‘1946’ scenario, and I’m really not to be truthful… are you saying I would have to get that one anyway, just to have the privilige of playing on Hyperlobby??
Surely, this can’t be? There must be other pilots out there that got this sim to fly WWII, not a ‘what if scenario’!
I love this sim to death… Its something I have that I feel I need to get on every day if possible!.. but isn’t Oleg then holding us over a barrel, to ensure everyone has to get all three???
If that is true, then a very mercenary attitude is being displayed.:confused:
(Maybe I’ll have to talk to the CSA so I can have my payments reduced, then I might be able to be extravagent!!)

And yes… I am fed up).:wink:

When all of them are out i will get them. If you love the game you have got to get them otherwise you people will be very lonely on HL. I will have to ask the financial advisor nicely:p

This has been on the cards for a long time. Don’t think of them as addons, they are in fact the free patches we’ve got used to. Just now we have to pay for them. I’m not expecing them to be that pricey, gauging the it by the price of the platinum DVD @ £10-£15.
Oleg Maddox needs to generate revenue, and giving away updates is not good business practice. There were rumours a little while ago that Maddox was heading into financial difficulty. I would guess that without the money these “patches” will generate BoB wont make it to the shelves.
I’m also suprised by this all out by July news, I though I read on SimHq that it would be a more drawn out process and that the first would be around now and the last by the end of the year.

The way i see it is Oleg has given us a tremendous amount of content for free, more than we could have hoped for at the begining, he has tweaked and added to this game unlike any other developer i can think of, remember B17II we never got the multiplayer element and after one patch the developers stopped.

So yes we are going to have to pay for the next (patches) add on’s but overall i still feel we have had good value for our money.

Absolutely Meako, I’m with you 100%. I’m putting across the idea that they are totally neccessary if you want to play on HL, in the same way the free patches were. I think it was even mentioned that 4.04 would be the last free patch.

We are going around in circles here… No one is disputing that you need the latest ‘patch, version’ etc, to be able to play on HL! I have bought everything that has been produced by Olegs crew, so I reckon that I’m probably helping to keep the Maddox team’s head above water… lets face it, there are people out there who have only bought Pacific Fighters, because thats all they are interested in…Bust!!
But I am still having problems getting my head around the fact that the 3 next ‘patch, add-on’, whatever, are being released in a ‘drip feed’ fashion.
I will of course make sure I am ‘patched’ up to date, but will only get the last one as it will contain content of ‘all’ three add-ons together.
I won’t get them piece meal just so that I can prove I’m some kind of fan!
In fact I’ve probably already done that by getting the complete addition… but that was purely to make my life easier on a complete re-install.
I also find it extremely hard to believe that the outcome of BoB would depend on the revenue of sales from these ‘extra patches’…
I don’t want you all to think that I’m being dragged into buying Olegs new content kicking and screaming… As stated, I love this sim… always have… but I don’t want to be exploited either, just because I’m a loyal supporter!

Is there going to be a gold pack of addons? As far as I’ve read they will be separate addons each requiring the last one to be installed.

Got this from UBi’s Crazy Ivan

As far as I understood, each next addon will require previous installed. For example: Pe-2 requires version 404m installed, IL-10 will require Pe-2 installed and VVS-1946 will require Pe-2 and IL-10 installed.

PE-2 is version 4.05
IL-10 is version 4.06
46 is version 4.07
Only those with the same versions will be able to fly together.


I also find it extremely hard to believe that the outcome of BoB would depend on the revenue of sales from these ‘extra patches’…

Ian Boys posted on SimHq last year how Maddox the company was on the brink financially after the sales of Pacific Fighters failed reach their projected forecast. The man Oleg was even contemplating jacking it all in to work as a IT security adviser to one of the big Russian banks. The Russian economy isn’t as buoyant as the UK and a Software Producer over there does not drive around in a Porche on a Charley and champers lifestyle. Software development takes time and a lot of invested money, much of it borrowed from banks and private investors. He needs to make his targets or the money dries up and the company folds

Mmm… Been over at the zoo, checking on the relevent info in the ready room etc… Jesus, its a mess! There is so much info that contradicts itself. I think I’ll wait and see what the final outcome, and exactly what you can and can’t do with each subsequent add on.
From the horses mouth himself…" As for these that don’t like to buy the Pe-2 now… They may continue to play 4.04 version online. But I’m sure with the price for the add-on it will be popular anyway in time"
Then we get told that we have to have each and every add-on to be able to play online in another thread by one of his supposed cohorts.

Its confusing to say the least…

Order… Counter order… Disorder! :roflmao:

I wonder if I should run my platoon like that… The OC would be pleased…lol! :bootyshk:

I think it’ll be the way Crazy Ivan and Ian Boys are reporting.
The Addons will be the same as the old free patches. As each comes out the version number will change and most will have it, meaning all will need it for HL. Will it be CD and/or downloadable, that’s the only outstanding issue as far as I see it.
As for the July deadline for all patches to be released…yeh, right… and two weeks is only 14 days in Olegs world… :slight_smile: