Over Flanders Fields

The much anticipated world war one add on is now available for download from oldbrowndog.net, I’ve been looking forward to this one for months. Its about 600 megabytes.
Oh and its for CFS3 but it looks bloody amazing.:banana:

Oops sorry, just saw a similar thread on the ‘other flight sims’ page, which I suppose is where it belongs. I just got a bit excited there.:o

I missed it over there Whizz so thanks for the heads-up mate.

Wondering where my copy of CFS3 is.

I might have binned it oh bollocks the things you see when you haven’t got your gun :slight_smile:


btw : is Track IR working with CFS3 ? I tried it and was not successful.

It works. Havent had CFS3 installed for a long time, but Im sure I remember using it. In any case the guys on the CFS3 forum say they use it, so I suppose they would know better than me. Still trying to download this pesky monster of a file. About my 4th attempt, mad with frustration.

TrackIR3 + VE works quite nicely with OFF. Have only flown a quick 5 mins to test but it looks pretty good so far. Flew a Sopwith Camel and :eek: do those WW1 birds lack power - full throttle and a whole 110mph! You can see the CFS3 lineage though so its still not a FB beater. Now a WW1 sim form Oleg would be something to behold.

Whizz: where are you trying to download from? I used the second link marked ‘alternative download link’ from this page: http://www.polovski.com/offdownload.htm

I used Getright in case the link got broken so I wouldn’t have to start all over again. It took just under 3hrs to d/l on my 512/256 ADSL line. As it happens it downloaded OK in one session so Getright wasn’t needed but it was there just in case.

Good luck,


Whizz I’ll send it to you on CD if you like mate

Yep I chucked out CFS3, forgot about mods-to-come but I’ve got the patch lol :slight_smile:


Thanks for the offer Ming, its okay though, I got it that time and its a thing of rare beauty. You’ve got to see it, even just for the loading screens. Only snag is that so far I can’t get it to run in campaign mode, but I’ll sort it.

“Now a WW1 sim form Oleg would be something to behold.”

Oleg may not be doing one but the IL2 engine is being used by another 1C software team to produce a WWI sim

Linkage: www.gennadich.com/forum/

I’m thinking most have seen the huge thread over on SimHq but nether-the-less I’m putting in a link to Gennadich in case someone missed it.

This one I’m monitoring very closely :slight_smile:

WWSensei quote on SimHq: “It takes a brave man to fly an aircraft with 5 mph between full speed and stall speed” :eek:

Yep I’m going to buy CFS3 again Whizz no danger

Me too Brigs RB3D might be on again but more- everything :slight_smile:

Blimey we’ll have proper clouds now…


Just bought CFS3 during lunch break today… a bargain at 13,99€ and I already bittorrented all the OFF files yesterday. :slight_smile:

  • I think we’d all be interested to know… why are you called the Twenty Minuters?
  • Well, it’s simple; the average life expectancy for a new pilot is twenty minutes!
  • LIFE EXPECTANCY… of twenty minutes?

Amazon have dispatched CFS3 along with the Battlefield series 1 DVD set, all the patches downloaded.

Chocks away soon then and maybe I can wipe Wings Of War off the hard drive at last. Must have 'tache action now and then :slight_smile:
