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Cerchi Chip e cosa ti salta fuori ?

"EAF51_Chip Is A Pornstar
Today FUWT Can Officially Reveal EAF51_Chip is an official pornstar. EAF51_Chip has been seen by a few of our famous sources in several porn films.
EAF51_Chip revealed exclusively to FUWT Today "Ok, I didnt wantanyone to actually find out I was a pornstar but, now i’ve been seen i can not deny it. I am a pornstar! I am one for several reasons, including comments about how good I was in bed and how I could make a nice amount of cash quickly. "
FUWT are extremely pleased to get this exclusive interview with EAF51_Chip to share with despite other news offers to reveal the exclusive story. "

Ecco perchè la sera non vede l’ora di andare a letto !!! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


Che cazzata…:roflmao:

Certo che di notizie strane se ne trovano…
Anche se i PANNI SPORCHI sarebbe meglio lavarseli in famiglia…


Ebbene si, mi avete scoperto!!!:banana:

In effetti io vado a letto presto perchè non voglio tornare a casa tardi!!!

Ma non hai proprio un caxxo da fare eh!?!? :wink:
