Operation Flashpoint & Armed Assault Pictures

Hello. I have used some time to collect many of my screenshots of the two wonderful games: Operation Flashpoint (OFP) and Armed Assault (ArmA). (Please read the lines under the link first)


They are maybe not excellent, but I just wanted for a long time to release my pictures, just to let some see how the game is.

Basicly I made it so people can see how many different things you can do and how advanced both the games are. if you are interested in ground simulators, then I STRONGLY recommend to try both games out!:slight_smile:

Ofp should be named “the father of war sim’s”…its just so incredible, and its so modable, you can change every single bit of the game towards your liking, only it takes some skill;)

There is so many addons and mods for it, so the vanilla game can be changed to any experience you like.

ArmA is the “brother”…its the new version of OFP, giving it better graphics and some important tweaks of the engine. a major improvement is the possibility of joining a multiplayer game while its playing, a backdoor capability, which was not in ofp.

Here I go talking…:stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, just watch the pics and I hope you get interested in both games:)

And btw, do remember that the pics are taken incidental; no arrangement…mostly was taken while playing online, and some were to show for a freind while playing etc. in other words, its maybe bad “photo quality”, if you know what I mean.:wink:


I’ve spent countless hours in OFP over the years. Not nearly as many in ArmA, but I really like that as well. I really ought to put some more time in ArmA, but I’m too busy beeing without work for that, and to top it off I have set a personal record for this year for number of rounds fired (with real guns ;)).

Thats, nice Mikke. Its no problem that you havent played ArmA as much as ofp. its almost obvious, ofp has been existed since 2001, and still its almost better than ArmA…:smiley:

I agree that I havent played ArmA as much as ofp, but I hope it will change in the future, and especially with Game2, which is now pronounced as ArmA II.

Please, if others want to join the chat about OFP or ArmA, you are welcome, I will gladly join as well. I havent many people to chat about these two games so it would be nice if anyone is interested in some talking;)