One step forward Pilot Officer Sunde

It’s with great pleasure I announce that our latest trainee, Sunde has passed his Basic training in OTU, and been promoted to the rank of Pilot Officer(P/O)

He has passed training with very high marks in all areas of training and I know our pilots will find in him a very competent wingman and a future section leader.
I must say that during our training flights he has shown very good Situational Awareness and fantastic ACM skill.

Now as a P/O your training continues in your squadron of choice, be it in 41 Wing or 51 Stormo. We look forward to hear your choice. Please let myself or Starfire know when you have decided. Ask the guys who fly in the different squads about the pros and cons of their squadron.

Once again gentlemen, please raise your glass and salute P/O Sunde. The bar is now open!!

Congratulations, I look forward to flying with you!

Congratulations Sunde.
From our talks earlier I took the liberty to tell Mikke to enroll you in 331. Should I have misunderstood you, please let me know and I will get you transferred Immediately.
Every sqd will be happy to get you :cool:

Barkeep! Give me a beer on Sundes tap, please


Congratulations Sunde:ani_beer:


Well done Sunde, welcome aboard.

Congrats Sunde!
Pint of beer and shot of Blue label for me :wink:

Big thanks to all of you, it has been a fun journey so far and i am very much looking forward to progress with my training, and to have many more fun moments flying with you all! :cool:
Drinks on me tonight :wink: