One step forward EAF602 Red

In recognition of your improved flying skill, brave leadership and generally helping out new and old pilots you are promoted to Flt/Lt and awarded the M.B.E for 5 years of service.

EAF would be a duller place without you Stevie, well deserved.

Lets drink something other than your Home brew!

Congrats Red!!!

Whisky on you mate!

Well done!!:w00t:


Congrats Red!!

So very well deserved!!

Congrats m8 :slight_smile:

Well done, M8, Congrats!

Cheers Stevie! Well deserved and have a good one! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Well done Red.:smiley:

Much deserved Stevie, congrats!

Proficiat Red well done :slight_smile:

Congratulations old chap! Time for a celebration in the Mess me thinks!!!

Thanks very much for the sentiments Gents

improved flying skill,
… Sure you’ve got the right person sir:roflmao:


Congratulations my frind :smiley:

I would have to say YES INDEED! You proved that yesterday in the opening round of SOW. 4 kills in one sortie! Not bad my friend. Hats off and Salute to you.
Congrats to the promotion Flt Lt!

WTF! 4 Kills! Beers on Red, everybody :banana::banana::banana: (me doing a jig dance) :banana::banana:

Those kills would not have happened if we were not flying as a team, the Spits coming in to help with the 109s was what let me through to the bombers

Team effort:D:bootyshk:


4 bombers is a good start to SOW, well done Red! :banana:

congrats mate!

Congratulations on your promotion.

Congrats Stevie … was about time and so very much deserved!!!