One for Stuntman and Co - The Beaufighter's pre takeoff

How many bloody switches…I’m still saying to myself “Open Rads, Open Rads, open rads”


Check out the patch news -

I wonder what COMP is on the motor controls, plus we have carb heat now. Only seems two guns on the starbord wing.

Sequential breaking is great to see implemented, should help taxi her and keep her straight when throttling up on the runway. I’m sure she will have quite massive torque steer, both on the ground and especially if rapidly throttling up when airborne at low speeds.

Lets hope they implement the ability to drop bombs. I am really missing an allied aircraft with the ability like the Bf110.
The Beau have it all, except for looks. It have speed, got firepower, a decent bomb-load, can carry a torpedo and can easily fly on one engine. A real sturdy aircraft.