Oleg è tornato e ...

… dice di aspettare ancora due settimane :roflmao: per il rilascio della patch:

“Dear folks!
I’m almost recovered. Really after such hard car accidents I need to be more at home after some short hospital recovering, but I’m back to work. However I take vacation for one week beginning on the next monday. I really need it.
Patch news.
It is close to be finished. I dislike the idea to release it next week without me, even when beta testers report me that its already Ok (or almost perfect). I would like to check myself all things right after I will be back and then to release immediatly If all is Ok.
So I think, we will release it in the first week of June.
I’m sorry that all things was going not so good last month, but its a life… Everything may happens in our life…
Thanks for the great support to everyone. I love you all!”

Da http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bbs/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=127;t=002643

… sperando che oltre al Tiphoon AI e alle V2 ci sia qualcosa di interessante :mad:

lo sapremo nelle classiche “two weeks” (niente di nuovo sotto il sole…) ma sinceramente, dubito che nei 100 MB annunciati ci possa stare qualcosa di più delle due versioni del G4M, del Ki-100 e di uno o due aerei AI…



Ti sei scordato di menzionare i soliti osceni cambiamenti ai FM :frowning: