Old Warden - 6th June 2010

We had a mixed bag of weather at Old Warden on Sunday, not much of it was great for photographs but I was there so I had to take some :slight_smile:

Got to try out my new lens too which I am dead chuffed with, enjoy:

Lysander, up close and personal:

Hawker Hind:

Sopwith Triplane

Sopwith Pup:

DeHavilland Tiger Moth with Miles Magister in the background:

Nice pictures! :slight_smile:

Great! ;):slight_smile:

Great pictures, thx … :wave:

Wow, looks nice. Good job!

incredible they fly

Cool Hand Wheeler strikes again.

Wonderful set James, what lens is it ?

Thanks Phil :slight_smile:

The EF300mm f/2.8 L with a 1.4 TC…

it used to be my motorbike…

Does it autofocus with the Teleconverter ?

Putting a converter on reduces the widest aperture by 1 stop. As long as putting the converter on doesn’t make the widest aperture more than f/5.6 auto focus works.

The EF300mm f/2.8 with the converter becomes f/4.

The EF300mm f/4 with becomes f/5.6 (and still autofocuses).

Some lenses take converters better than others and the 2X converter is generally considered awful unless you have a really good lens to put it on and are shooting in decent light. Apparently the 300mm f/2.8 will take the 1.4 TC and the 2X TC stacked and still produce good images if you have decent light!

My problem at the moment is I am having trouble with the 7D, when the f/number is getting up above f/11 (ie lots of sun when shooting at 1/320 or less) diffraction is starting to do funny things to the image :frowning: Thinking of chopping it in for something else at the moment.