Oculus Rift - Virtual Reality update

Some major improvements see some serious funding -



I hope to see proper VR tech at one point in my life. But not sure I like the idea of screen close to the eyes that make us look at such short distance.

Hope one day that military tech about projecting stuff on eye will be ironed out, seems less harmful to eye muscles in theory over prolonged use…

That was before Christmas, It’s moved on since then.

A second dev kit has been made and tried by a few industry insiders. Feedback was even more impressive from all accounts. No motion sickness and a full 1080p HD screen. Looks like it was that alone was enough to get the serious money on board. The new Dev kit is called Crystal Cove.
BoS has already been optimised for it and I hope that trickles down to RoF.

There are some other improvements too, like full 6DOF.
More details in this thread.


SDK MarkII is on pre order.

1080p OLED :slight_smile:

I’m in for this one, got a bit of cash coming at the end of the month.


been waiting for this since I was 15, Ill get one one sooner than later. I have tried the dev kit and its impressive. No, more impressive.

Me too Nepe and we’re not far off each others age.

Been a long time coming.

The Mark II dev kit is what convinced some industry bigwigs to part with $95,000,000

Already lining up one of my mates in the states who’ll pay the $350 (that’s about £200) on my behalf and send the headset on as a gift :slight_smile:

looking forward to your report Brigs

Btw, Sony just presented their own VR set for the PS4…maybe we are finally getting there after so many years waiting for VR.

they said it’s
The high-definition 960×1080 per-eye
this is not 1080p… (1080p should be 1920x1080)

am i wrong?

960x1080+960x1080 = 1920x1080

It uses a 1080p OLED display but splits it into 2 images, one for each eye.
The previous Dev kit was a smaller 720 display.

I’d still use this with extreme caution and in shorter intervals to be on the safe side.

You, or anyone else for that matter, have no idea of long term effects on brain (can it trigger something like epilepsy) or eyesight. Only time will tell and I do hope it’s perfectly safe, but still be careful if you can’t resist the urge to be a test subject and early adopter of new tech :slight_smile:

I’ll wrap my head in tinfoil during during use :slight_smile:

Hehe, maybe you should rather use ducktape to strap yourself to a chair so you don’t fall off the chair if you go into a stall :smiley:

Looks like Zuckerburg bought Oculus. http://www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2014/03/25/facebook-to-buy-oculus-vr-for-23b/ Great now we get to hit “Like” if we like a game. :rolleyes: