
1C Game Studios Signs Agreement with Team Fusion on IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

1C Game Studios is excited to announce that we have signed an agreement to cooperate with Team Fusion on future commercial development of IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover. Months of negotiations and legal work to create this opportunity is now over and now we can proceed in a commercial manner pursuant to our previous announcement about cooperation. As we previously stated, this includes giving Team Fusion access to the Cliffs of Dover source code so they may continue their work to fix and improve Cliffs of Dover and build commercial add-ons for the base title.

In the coming weeks and months, Team Fusion’s work will be offered as an official content update and patch for Cliffs of Dover on Steam. This update will merge all the current changes and fixes into one update. The update will initially be optional. Not long thereafter, the update will be codified by Team Fusion and officially entered into the source code and file system for the product itself. The title will then be permanently updated through Steam negating the need for a separate patch.

Later in 2017, the first commercial add-on for Cliffs of Dover will be released. The add-on will be focused on the North Africa theater and will update the engine to DirectX 11 and include new airplanes, a new map and other content and improvements. There is a possibility that other theaters will be developed in the future pending the outcome of this first add-on. More information about the North Africa add-on will be made public in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to Team Fusion on this agreement and we all look forward to their work.
The 1C Game Studios Team

You can discuss this announcement in this new section of our forum: Cliffs of Dover by Team Fusion

Really a great news…


North Africa! :w00t:

Good news!

End of this year…heard that before though!