New Training Officers

Happily we have an increasing amount of trainees in the last weeks. Also, we have been doing a big, big job with the training stages. And we still have more things to work on: better SEOW training and training for officers.

So I’m happy to announce that OTU is now bigger than yesterday:

Flt/Lt T/O Mram: He has experience as T/O, so he is just returning back home to OTU.

The other 3 new T/Os will start as Assistant T/Os, learning the ropes of training. Their role will be assisting T/Os when they teach a stage to a trainee, and little by little start taking more and more experience until they can teach alone.

Flt/Lt Walty
F/O Redundant
F/O Cappe

Thank you all


Congratulations to our new TOs! :w00t:

Good to hear OTU growing stronger again with some fine additions.

Welcome to OTU!!!


Thanks, but yesterday you didn’t told me i had to be an assistant!!! Che figura dimmm…Scusatemi!!!

Welcome to OTU guys

We happy to see you :banana:

Big OTU, Big Assistants, many Turkeys…ooops Trainees!!

Good job, guys!!!:banana::banana::banana:

Thank you all for the confidence.
I must confess that I was worried to start this new duty standing alone, of course with the wiki but substantially by myself.
This, I am sure, is the best way and I’m very honored having the possibility to grow up.
Mram was my T/O in my first gunnery stage and I will say forever that I remember his lesson with particular fun.
So… well done Mram, Cappe and Red!!!

Congratulation guys.

I don’t know how to express myself best…but what I want to say is this:

You do a fantastic work there in OTU. Its impressing.

I for one am very happy to have our new TO’s and AssTO’s. Thanks for wanting to help out gents, much appreciated.

Excellent news, and thanks chaps. EAF relies on you all, and especially now that there are more trainees coming in, not to mention we all still need to keep training.

Good luck in your new endeavors! :smiley:

@Mikke can you grant access to the new TOs to the TO’s nest???

Congrats! :slight_smile:
& beautiful photo in your Sig Cappe! :wink:

Thx. Will start to read up on the different stages and I might need some help in setting up hosting. So expect a few questions OTU! :o

Oh, and I am off to a bad start since I’m away on thursday. See you on monday!

Congrats!! Good job!! :wink:

Great to hear OTU is growing! Cheers and well done!! :banana:

Thanks for all Paf, it reminds me of a great day!! :wink:

Congratulations guys, now get to work on those trainees they are all about to be drafted into Stalins airforce with or without training their very survival depends on the next two weeks training :smiley:

Yes sir comrade Classic!! We will send them out in front of our shock troops!