New Squad.

Anyone knows the “link” were to reg. a new Squad?

Thankfull for any help.

S! Guys.

Register it where mate, and what for?

You can post on the UBI forum here

or on Airwarefare here

Ty. Kristorf.

But I heard that you have to “register” a new Squad.

Guess it has to do with…like… I can’t register a new Squad,

called… “EAF”

(Would be very disrespectful and confusing if you could.)

Thats pritty obvious, so where do I register?


Registering a squad is a new one on me mate, I would expect you are expected to try and make sure that your name is unique, but apart from that get a name and hit fly.

Well, Kristorf.

If What You say is valid info, it’s OK then, for Me to take a name…as…?


I don’t belive that.

(Any one got some valid info on this issue? )

Try to be a little bit more specific mate, as you are being a little vague… Is this to register to fly on say HL, or to register as a new unit within the EAF??

No. It’s a New Squad.

(Thankfull for help to do this Right.)


Not sure if we understand each other… Ok, Are you saying this squad will be part of EAF, or another airforce entirely? And where are you expecting to recruit from? SimHQ, Ubi??

No. It’s a New Squad.

As I said… Above, not EAF.

(Recruitng? NP. Just talked to a former Member in My last Squad.)

Funny… :slight_smile: Havvn’t heard from him in 2 years.

Np. with Recutes, we just Reactivate Our old Buddys.

(They got the “Right Stuff”) Mate.

Talk about “Cosmic Humor”…He contacted Me same night u guys “kicked Me”) :slight_smile:


First off I’d start recruiting, (you can’t fly with an imaginary squad), thats why I asked you if you were doing it via simhq, Ubi etc.
If you are flying in an online war in say HL, you will need to re-register under your new squad name, then go to AW for example, read the AW rules, register your new Squad using the registry proceedure…

Trooper, diddent you read above?

Just wrote, recuting is Np.

Thanks for the Info. below that.


Hey Snake,
there is no institution or such where you have to register a new Squad. You just can choose a name you like and go ahead. There were some problems in the past, squads having same names etc. ,so better go for one which is not used, otherwise your new squad won’t be accepted very good by others :wink:

As said before, for flying online-wars you have to register your squad at their pages.


There is no rule that I know of that says a squad must have more than one pilot. I’m pretty sure that plenty of squads start with just one.

A good place to start is to find active squads - and not use their names.

Think of a squad name, and see if it’s here:

If not, then, open your hyperlobby chat log
Use Windows browser, and go here: C:\Program Files\HyperLobbyPro3 , double click on chatlog.txt
That should open in Notebook

From the menu Edit -> Find and type in the short name of your proposed squad. If your proposed squad didn’t appear, you have a good chance.

Just to prove this is OK, do the same with a few squad names that you know you should find (e.g. EAF, JG). Those names should appear.

I’m sure there’s more you could do, but at some stage, you need to form up.
Register your first pilot in your new squad, and carry on.

Go to the forums mentioned in this thread, and let them know you have a new squad.
If there’s been a problem in the past, hopefully somebody will let you know.

Very good suggestions from Painter. :slight_smile:

Just wanted to tell Snake something before its too late…

Good luck ahead, Snake! And I really wish you will have a great time in the future, and hopefully setting up your own squad and all!:slight_smile:

Take care, friend!:smiley:

Great Thanks to All of You Great Guys!

Love Ya All!


Snake when you name your squad make it a name that means something to you and as unique as you can make it.

This makes it easier in the long for you when participating in wars and so on.

A good example is some ex EAF602 pilots who formed their own squadron and simply removed the EAF from their title.

See here.

All the best with your squadron.

About a new Squad.

When I have thought it over…Naa…

We have a saying in Sweden, it goes…

Don’t be to stupid…you might just end up as a “boss.”

Guess I just end up “Stupid” :slight_smile:

Rather be a Free “bullit”

(That is…a…Full Metal One.)