New offline historical campaign "Blazing Steppe" - flying the Yak1

This campaign is set during the early stages of the Stalingrad battle when the German XIV Panzer Corps breached through to the Volga River and the Luftwaffe unleashed all of its might on the civilian districts and defense lines of the city. To compensate for the heavy losses the 8th Air Army suffered during the Summer, Soviet High Command started to move all available reserves, including air regiments and air defense forces personnel to the Stalingrad area in the middle of August. You will be the second-in-command squadron officer of the 11th IAP (fighter regiment) that just arrived at the front line, in the thick of the unraveling air battle.

The campaign consists of 15 missions created using modern historical research and scientific works, including war maps and documents from the archives. Based on users’ feedback, we reworked the flight path tracking and main goal completion mechanics significantly, so completing the missions should become more convenient, especially on the Expert difficulty level. Blazing Steppe is scheduled to be released in June 2017.

These are pretty cheap at around £8, its a good way of learning a particular aircraft (Yak1 in this case) and it helps to support 1C, who hopefully will bring us a pacific theater after Kuban, depending on support.