New Drawing starting...'Finlay's Revenge'

Fl/Lt RF Boyd of 602 Sqn attacked a few 110’s on Sunday the 18th of Aug 1940…no apparent results { according to his combat reports }

After shooting at some Ju87’s and claiming one destroyed, Finlay Boyd climbed to form up on some Hurricanes…unfortunately they were 109’s…which promptly chased him back to the coast. The 109’s turned back except one, Finlay when into a climbing turn and got onto it’s six, closing to 70 yds , he shot it down just off the coast of the Isle of Wight. Jg 27 lost 6 aircraft that day, but the only one that I had code letters for was I Gruppe Jg27 109e4 9+, piloted by Lt G Mitsdoerffer, The Luftwaffe pilot survived the attack and became a POW.
The drawing will show the action just after the attack, as Boyd fly’s over the stricken 109, just above Ventnor and Whitecliff.
Composition below and the final drawing will be the usual 2b and 4b pencil on smooth 300gsm card.

Nice, Puff. Lookig forward to seeing this one.

70yds, eh? Boyd had his convergence set to 50yds. By all accounts he enjoyed the kills. His nickname, IIRC, was “Boyd the Bastard”.

Looking good, Puff! Will be looking very forward to see your new drawing in full glory when finished:D

Keep it up, m8!:banana:

Can’t wait to see that one when its done.

Nice angles !

8 hrs work so far, but all lines are in and the composition changed very slightly…to allow more detail on ‘White 6’

Looks to be your most challanging yet mate, but coming on very nice

That looks great, very fine drawing!



Great detail on the planes and the background!

Really looking forward for the final result once again. :smiley:

Think to have THAT detail in a flight Sim…:smiley:

Looks awesome.

Any plans on offering any copies of it for purchase when it’s done? I wouldn’t mind one :slight_smile:

About 20 hrs in and so far I have just completed the 109…took a lot of reworking till I was happy


A good few more hours in and it’s starting to shape up…

Wing roundal is darker…just the light was shining in it when I took the photo! :slight_smile:

Ooh! Cant wait!!!:smiley:

If you finish this drawing before Christmas, it will be the very best gift to the EAF, especially to me…the drawing is just fantastic!

And theres still more to come!:smiley:

Keep it up!

Very nice Puff! :slight_smile:

There is just one thing, the 109 nose, which looks a bit off for me, but it can also be the perspective. I think it looks abit to rounded and not so typical edged for the 109-Emil.

Very nice Puff!

And Paf, I think that’s a matter of perspective.

Puff and Paf… :roflmao:

Wonderful, love it

First off…all the best for Xmas and the New Year…hope you all get what you wish for!
It’s been great here…I get to spend time with the family and DRAW!!!..anyway’s a good few more hours in and it’s shaping up…

Love the landscape beneath, Puff!:slight_smile:

Its sure shaping up!

A good few more hours in and it’s starting to take shape for me…still lots to do but I’m much happier now :slight_smile: