I’m torn.
In last months i’ve gone VR with an Odissey + supported by an rtx 2070.
My cpu is still and old i7 2600k custom liquid cooled, stable (on gaming) @4,8ghz…
It still works great everywhere else than flight sims…
On flight sims DCS and IL2 it’s CPU capped with GPU sitting at 50%…
Which means online 40-45 fps down low in Caucasus
and 30-20 in Normandy or Caucasus with cloud layer… A so and so experience…
My options:
Going Ryzen, great cpu and can upgrade it till 2020 with new cpu generations and am4 socket. But, may be, lacking the single thread punch i’m needing to get big improvements in vr…
Going Intel z-390 chip with expensive 9700k, mid 9600k or cheap (4 core?) 8350 and in case upgrade it to a 9700/9900 in a year or 2 if games gets vulkan and multicore support… (i have no idea if high end 9000cpus will drop prices in 2 years…)
NB for both options i would buy 4x8gb 3200/3600 fast samsung b die ram
Third option, wait and suffer 3-4 months for next Ryzen generation… and then decide…
PS if you haven’t done this already check this IL2 thread with user benchmarks in VR https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/29322-measuring-rig-performance-common-baseline-for-il-2-v3010/
also good reading on Ryzen Pilotasso experience in DCS