Movie Actors Needed!

Ciao amici!

As you probably know, I am working with a group of film-makers on a movie called Faith, Hope and Charity. It is the story of how 3 Gladiators fought their hardest to defend Malta against heavy Italian bombing raids, while waiting for Hurricane reinforcements (I am sure you know the story better than most of us).

We have decided to add some Italian R/T to make the movie more exciting, and this is where we need your help.

First, can somebody check that these phrases would be used in the RA during WW2, and is the grammer correct:

Bomber Pilot

SM79 on a bomb run and gets bounced, pilot shouts in surprise:
Attenzione! Aeroplano Britannico !!! Aeroplano Britannico!!! Avanti! (Attention! British aircraft! British Aircraft! Ahead!)

SM79 is hit and going doing, pilot in a panic:
Gladiator attacco! Attaco!! (Gladiator is attacking. Attacking!)

Fighter Pilot

MC200 is bounced by a fighter, pilot surprised:
Madre del Dio (Mother of God) - or some more appropriate exclamation like ‘Oh My God’, ‘Jesus’, etc. We can accept some profanity, probably ‘vaf****ulo’ is too profane?

MC200 lining up on a Gladiator, cool and calm:
Il dado e lanciato…Tu stai Finito…Arrivederci, mio gladiator Brittannico!! (The die is cast! You are finished! Goodbye, my British Gladiator!)

We have decided not to use subtitles, so we will need the lines to be as simple as possible so that non-Italian speakers will recognise some of the words. They will need to be clearly spoken and full of emotion (I don’t imagine that being a problem :rolleyes: )

Then, once you have corrected our dialogue, we need a good actor. Either one person to do both Bomber and Fighter pilots in a different voice, or two different actors.

So, when the lines are correct, it would be great if a couple of you could send me a recording of both pilots.

This movie is, if I can say so myself, going to be a blockbuster in the virtual movie world. And I am proud to be representing EAF in it. We already have Whiskey doing some lines, and it will be cool to have some of our Italian mates involved too.


(on behalf of Wingmen Productions)

Italians where never BOUNCED in PANIC :cussing:

Fantastic… :smiley:
Dear Joe I’m busy in RL now…but I can give you some little help :wink: …(follow down):

Bomber Pilot

SM79 on a bomb run and gets bounced, pilot shouts in surprise:
Attenzione! Aeroplano Inglese (or better “Inglese”) !!! Aeroplano Britannico!!! Avanti! (Attention! British aircraft! British Aircraft! Ahead!)

SM79 is hit and going doing, pilot in a panic:

Gladiator ci sta attaccando! Siamo sotto attacco!! (under attack)
(Gladiator is attacking. Attacking!)

Fighter Pilot

MC200 is bounced by a fighter, pilot surprised:
Madre di Dio (Mother of God) - or some more appropriate exclamation
like ‘Oh My God’ = Dio Mio, ‘Jesus’ = Gesù (better “Cristo” in panic situation), etc. We can accept some profanity, probably ‘vaf****ulo’ is too profane?
Vaffanculo isn’t typicall about those years…better “Bastardo or Maledetto” (bastards)

MC200 lining up on a Gladiator, cool and calm:
La freccia è lanciata…Sei mio (you’re mine)…Sei Finito…Arrivederci, Inglese mio !! (The die is cast! You are finished! Goodbye, my British Gladiator!)

More coming…


Secondo me la cosa più istintiva è : " ca…o ca…o CA…OOO !" :smiley:

[QUOTE=Joe90 EAF602]Hello Joe,
here some alternative:

Bomber Pilot

SM79 on a bomb run and gets bounced, pilot shouts in surprise:
Attenzione! Aeroplano Britannico !!! Aeroplano Britannico!!! Avanti! (Attention! British aircraft! British Aircraft! Ahead!)

“ATTENZIONE! CACCIA INGLESI!!!” (if more than 1)

SM79 is hit and going doing, pilot in a panic:
Gladiator attacco! Attaco!! (Gladiator is attacking. Attacking!)


Fighter Pilot

MC200 is bounced by a fighter, pilot surprised:
Madre del Dio (Mother of God) - or some more appropriate exclamation like ‘Oh My God’, ‘Jesus’, etc. We can accept some profanity, probably ‘vaf****ulo’ is too profane?

“MADONNA!!” or better in this context “CAZZO!!”

madonna is literally “mother of God”
cazzo mean “dick” but the common sense is to express disappointment

MC200 lining up on a Gladiator, cool and calm:
Il dado e lanciato…Tu stai Finito…Arrivederci, mio gladiator Brittannico!! (The die is cast!

your sentence is litterlly

in my opinion sounds not credible.

(You are finished! see you British)

(You are finished! see you at the hell British)
if you prefere a little colourful language

nice day Joe

scusa Bazz non ho visto che stavi postando anche tu


Eh di che Haza…mi c’ho il copyright :smiley: :smiley:

Grazie Triple1, Bazz and Haza

I will take all these lines back to the group and come back with the final lines for the acting.

Erm, so what does ‘ca…o ca…o CA…OOO !’ mean? (Altavista Babel Fish does not recognise it)

LOL…it’s not Babel fish fault… :smiley:

Cazzo…means…Dick, Cock, Big Johnson, Luxury Chief, Him, Penis, His Majestic, Women’s dream, The man without hair, One eye boy… :smiley:

I’m stupid, I know… :smiley: :smiley:

Well, we have now played with your suggestions and would love to have some authentic Italian voices for the lines.

First, thanks again. I do feel a little strange asking my friends to pretend to be the ‘bad guys’. But it is a movie where we are trying to tell the (almost) true story about the character of the RAF pilots who fought against the RA a long time ago.

So, if I could ask for a few volunteers to record these lines. Ideally a couple of people could record so the Movie-makers could pick the most appropriate.

Please record with Windows Sound Recorder program at CD quality (44.100kHz, 16 bit, stereo) and email to me at rboyd AT

The Oscars are awaiting!

Bomber Pilot

SM79 on a bomb run and gets bounced, pilot is alarmed, high pitched:
Attenzione! Inglese! Caccia Inglese!!

SM79 is hit and on fire, pilot alarmed:
Gladiator ci sta attaccando! attaccando!

Fighter Pilot

MC200 is bounced by a fighter, pilot shocked, almost angry:

MC200 lining up on a Gladiator, calm, confident:
Sei mio…Finito…Arrivederci Inglese…Ciao Gladiator!

Oh, sorry I can’t give away any more of the story, we are trying to keep it all as secret as possible for maximum impact when we release :smiley:

Any volunteers, then?

I am sure there are some keen actors in 51, no need to be shy :smiley:

I am suffering by time shortage at the moment, but I can provide anyway some help

No problem, Bear.

I have one actor now, thanks Jimmi.

One more, please :slight_smile:

I would like help you, Joe…but my adsl connection still off…and I can’t use my office pc… :o

But you’ll find someone else…I’m sure… :smiley:

The Italian Dialogue is now ‘In The Can’ (finished) :smiley:

Thank you to all who helped and especially Jimmi and Wildcat who provided the final acting.

It will be at least a month before we are finished, but Jimmi/Wildcat, how do you want listed in the credits?
Some of us are using combined names like “Russell ‘EAF602_Joe90’ Boyd”, and some are just using Callsigns like “EAF92_Whiskey”. Your choice :cool:

ty mate I prefear name as Gennaro Panciotti aka il falco :roflmao:

EAF51 Jimmi