More Pilots Needed NOW, please :)

Puff’s turn now, he is being filmed.

If you’re free now or in the next hour or so please pop into HL and TS.

I’m here with my maccaronic English

Their timing is pretty poor so far :slight_smile: Will they be filming during a Sqn night?

Thursday probably. :wink:

If they are filming thursday the SE mission would be a good one for them to film as it will be an example of lots of players from around the world participating in the same mission as part of an ongoing war.

But it will be all black then, right?
“And here we can se, uh, nothing, I think…” :roflmao:

If classic gets his way we will have flare dropping swordfish putting on a firework show over an axis airfield :).

It’d be a shame to waste this opportunity to show the IL2 community at its best.

Could we not cobble together a great big mission? Perhaps an old BoB mission from a few years ago? Just to show that we don’t just mill around a dogfight server every night.

Or could the night mission perhaps be made into a daytime mission to show it off better?

Unfortunately we would not want to change this to a day mission due to planned operations( can’s say why in this public post, walls and ears you know).

Last weeks op would have been perfect, fighters, bombers, transports low level deep interdiction mission with a multinational and multi squad team flying together.

The film crew are on a very busy schedule, what they need for footage is to see combat action right away, and occasionally have a chat with other pilots which means pausing the action to let the interview take place. Only way to do that is to manufacture mission to suit the camera. A little acting and make believe to get the point across :cool:

I made up two for the shoots. At my place I had an instant fighter action in the Desert, and the next night an air start over Dover for Stukas appearing 1min later. Other missions like that are the best use of everybody’s time.

I think if there was a post made a day beforehand it would be possible to get a number of EAF pilots on line to fly the mission or even participate in Com’s chat.

If given the notice I would be able to turn up at any time due to being offer of work and would be happy to participate in any way so if you could let me know if you need me or when staff is happening Joe as long as I get the message in time I can help.

I would also like to add it is nice to see that EAF are having what I consider quite a large part in the making of this documentary it will surely be hopefully good publicity for the EAF.