Massed Blenheim Raid, ATAG 17th June


Please find details here…

I’m in :slight_smile:

Shame it is a Saturday. I doubt I will be there.

Even more shame that it is the same weekend as Le Mans.
I will miss it :frowning:


Bump for Sat night :slight_smile:

It’s a couple of weeks away isn’t it? Only 2nd June tonight.


Yes, sorry, you are correct, its this coming Saturday.

Apart from myself, anyone else interested in taking part? There will be escort duties as well, so not just Blennie pilots required.

I’ll fly escort… if I’m sober enough:roflmao:


I’m going to be at the in-laws :frowning: … unless I can get out of it!

Finally I will be available. Let me know what you prefer me to fly - probably more useful in a Blennie.

2nd Thoughts : having seen the thread with level bombing likely, i’ll fly a Spit with Red if that’s OK with him.


OK, will do. Keep an eye on the ATAG forums for briefings etc. latest update can be found here…

I’m now doubtful that I can make it due to family issues, we will see.