Malta Defenders anyone?? (lots of pics)

A skin pack of eleven (11) Spitfire MkVb (trop) and MkVc (trop) as flown from the Island of Malta during the seige year of 1942.

All the aircraft are finished in varying shades of blue or grey, some faded due to either sunlight or watered down paint, with various shades os blue on the RAF markings.

The colouring has been done fron colour profiles, however as there is very little accurate information regarding true colouring I have had to make a judgement call using written accounts of people who were there.

Also in the ack are several skins with either just roundels or tail flash.

Uploaded into the Themed Skin Pack section (when cleared) and

Beautiful Kristorf, thank you.

Already using your Spit Vc 20-3 from 51º Stormo over Malta…which happens to be my plane :slight_smile:

we need it first of campain now war is near to finish :frowning: nice camo

Beautiful will be downloading these babies, our campaign may be nearly over, but i would be very suprised if we dont come back to Malta again.

Very nice job.

There are still 5-6 missions to go and there is a strong possibility that these skins will become the defaults for the VC’s in the AWI pack* before the campaign ends.

*As long as that is OK Kris

Simply spectacular, Kris…you’re one of the apples of EAF’s eyes…:smiley:

They are very very nice Chris!!:slight_smile: