Macchi 205 Veltro

A nice model up at HyperScale

Nice find Nepe

I wasn’t aware that Hasegawa were producing Italian types, I thought that was being left to Classic Airframe.

The Hasegawa kit has been available for some time & well worth buying :slight_smile:

I already have this model ready for the painting stage, but due to a heavy work load, I never got around to painting it & placed it in the pending to paint box ( which contains a number of models) :rolleyes:

It’s a great little kit, with no pit falls in construction & if I remember right, there was no need for any filler during construction.

Once I get around to it, I’ll take some pictures, before painting & after, but it’ll take some time to locate as it’s in the attic, along with the other 600 kits or so! :rolleyes:


That would be nice Menden.

Nice to see you around here, btw .)

I pop in from time to time, just to amke sure them lazy 92sqd guys are feeding the old guard dog :roflmao:

I’d like to see that Menden

I have similar excuses - my compressor doesn’t deliver the required pressure for my brush.
Then it’ll be the wrong paint, then …

I managed to dig the model out late last night / early morning & took some pictures…the images are not very good since it was 3am & I was tired
