Language Barriers


Recently I have been thinking about how language barriers affect communication amongst EAF members. Its easy to forget that many of our brothers do not speak English as a first language ( mainly due to many speaking it excellently ). However, the potential for innocent remarks to be made, and for them to come across in an unintended way, is high, even amongst those of us that speak it as a first language due to the vagueness of informal text communication.

Complicating this is the wide range of ages and life experiences of participating members ( by members i dont just mean 92 :roflmao:)

So, to help avoid misunderstandings, and stay off unintended offence, i have compiled this short Jockanesse to English translation primer in the hope of helping our foreign brothers understand the complexities of one of the dialects of the UK.

“fower plamphs it haulf past twelfe”

“i believe we have made contact with our esteemed adversary, position just past 12oc”

“stratosfeer smoakin altitood jakies”

“our esteemed brothers in 92 squadron”

“feck this for a game oh sewjoors”


“Tally it 9oc”

“contact at 9oc”
“one of our esteemed italian brothers at 9oc”
“sorry chaps, i have to leave at 9oc due to appointment with a delectable woman for ice cream”

“spottit sowyuse it 59k”

“chaps, i believe i have spotted Osprey”

Cheers chaps.

Hope this helps in some way.

Remember, EAF, a brotherhood of folks who want to fly together !



lol Rab


I would agree with this Sporran, I think humor does not translate very well through the cultures, thats why my senseless Yank comical ramblings never go over very well:p

sorry for sometime we talking Italian

Wildcat, this was in no way aimed at anyone in particular, especially not our Italian bothers. Please do not think it is.

It is not aimed, its just my rambling thoughts on the subject, thats all. I know a lot of folks who can speak english well, have trouble with the scots accents and hearing different languages over TS is one of my favourite things on TS.

This is perhaps an example of offence being given when really, None was intended.

~S~ Wildcat


Funny, Sporran. :roflmao:

I still remember when I was travelling to Edimbourgh (nice city! :slight_smile: ) and to Glasgow (no comment :frowning: ) due to my job. I was nearly unable to understand a single word :confused:… London cockney’s language suddenly become the most understandeable language in the whole United Kingdom! :roflmao:

I know I’ve understand the text (maybe:rolleyes:)I just want to say sorry something that happed on TS. Now I can try recognize form 602 and some other english voice and now that I know other face is much better

The solution?

Italian official language :D:D

Max :roflmao:

There is no solution needed other than to keep in mind that there will be instances where one could take offence, but wont, because we know its not really intended.


Cogito ergo volo


Anyone want this, I think Sporran may have already opened it???

Time you were back to work, what with all this thinking you are inflicting on others, eh?

a lot of folks who can speak english well, have trouble with the scots accents

This sentence is clearly some kind of british understatement! :roflmao:

Sigh, i give up.

Ja obychno jasna ponemaio Schkotlandskix drusiei, no inogda…ne xuja!!! :roflmao:

Backbone Sporran :slight_smile:

Non-UK people understand that they will not understand everything we say in banter or in joking. Same for us UK people over European banter if they do it over there. It’ll probably involve sausages

Banter means like when you were in school chaps and your best mate was in some ways a rival, you punched his arm and wouldn’t lend him a ciggy and stole his girlfriend, in UK we like to tease each other if we are good friends

Our good friends are happy, we make them unhappy “You are very happy right now but did you check that you locked the front door before you left the house and btw can you smell burning?” Then when our friend gets upset we laugh and he starts laughing when he sees that you are not serious. If he is unhappy we might cheer him up. We try to live our lives without taking things too seriously. Because life can be very hard sometimes

Also we Celts suspect all English men of homosexuality “The English disease” as the French say it. So we do not get too lovey-dovey “You’re a great bloke” “And so are you” but instead we express our love for our friends by teasing them and undermining them at all times. We test them all the time for signs of irritability with us. If we see no signs then we like them a bit more :slight_smile:

Non-UK people can say “Can you explain that to me please, what you just said?” - and usually the outcome will be better than thinking “WTF did he mean when he said that?” but saying nothing, suspecting it was something not very nice. It almost always is something nice but banter can be difficult to un-entangle if banter is not the second nature to us, not so familiar

If we don’t like you so much, you won’t hear any banter from us, we will speak more literally to you, less colourfully. We do not trust you to see that we are being friendly when we insult you or punch your arm. This rule tells UK people who we ourselves think our friends are…

UK chaps find Sporran’s joke very amusing. We love the Scots accent with Mish Monnehpenneh and Rab C. Nesbitt almost wearing the string vest. He’s their version of our Steptoe and Son and other English er, eccentrics. “Are you trying to say that all English people are scruffy and wear the wellington boots mucking out the old nag?” No of course not but you sound as if you’ve met my wife. We are so jealous of the Scots people with their mountains, their creativity and their heritage, their ginger nuts and their Gypsy Creams. See what I did there :slight_smile:


Thanks for the “help” Ming, thats really cleared it all up. :roflmao:

To summarise Mings post:

The scots and celts will not as a people…

Beat you up.
Deprive you of sustinance.
Ridicule your emotional state.
Sleep with your wife or girlfriend
Strive to bring you sadness and upset.
Undermine your opinions and idea’s.

Unless we really count you as a close friend :eek: :roflmao:

Missed your calling in the diplomatic service Ming huh ?


ohh dear, why didnt i just shut up.


In short, what Sporran is saying is that Celts(Scots and Irish) will not normally say anything to convey they are upset with you. We will normally convey that meaning with a swift kick to the bollocks or a headbutt (not to the bollocks, that’s just wrong!).

If we give you verbal abuse you shouldn’t take offence as it is known as “banter” and is not meant offensively. For example “Fck off you Wnker !” is commonly meant to mean “Certainly not my friend” in some celtic regions.

If you: (as a non-UK resident) are told to “fck off you twat" or "Hahaha, you dozy cnt you missed!”, then please don’t take offence as this is just friendly “banter” and no harm was meant with it.

So if we are not booking a flight to your part of the world and only carrying a big pair of steel toecapped boots as hand luggage, then you can be sure you were not meant to take offence. Similarly we celts enjoy being called names, especially Sporran who is a complete [TOO MANY CHARACTERS]

The football team I support, my local club growing up, has a chant.
“No one likes us, we don’t care”
I’ve always kept that in mind when dealing with the unfortunates that live outside SE London. :stuck_out_tongue:

Recently I have been thinking about how language barriers affect communication amongst EAF members. Its easy to forget that many of our brothers do not speak English as a first language ( mainly due to many speaking it excellently ). However, the potential for innocent remarks to be made, and for them to come across in an unintended way, is high, even amongst those of us that speak it as a first language due to the vagueness of informal text communication.

You dont have to worry about me being offended, I never understand what you Celts are saying anyhow:roflmao:

The scots and celts will not as a people…

Beat you up.
Deprive you of sustinance.
Ridicule your emotional state.
Sleep with your wife or girlfriend
Strive to bring you sadness and upset.
Undermine your opinions and idea’s.

Unless we really count you as a close friend

You forgot one other thing Sporran, and How many Beers you’ve had:ani_beer::XXpuke::bootyshk::smiley: