Kuban map and new FM released (patch 2.012)

While writing this il2 servers are in maintenance mode updating game to version 2.012 which includes Kuban map, new plane and improved FM.

Lot to read about the improvements and new features.

YeeeeHaaaaa! It works!! I can fly it now without stalling all over the place. It has well balanced and harmonised control. Just like the comments I’ve read from pilots who flew her.
I will try her during my next training flight with Ribbon. That should be the BFM stage.

Spitfire MkV:
Yes it’s an easy plane to fly compared to the others, but that doesn’t make it more superior. I think it was a nice plane to fly in real life as well. But it has slow top speed which gives the 109 a slight advantage and the 190 a huge advantage. At least it can dive with the LW planes and absorbes damage well.
You can change the range and wing span in the reflector sight. I use the Cursor keys “Arrow UP,DN,Left,Right”. They are default so just keep the key pressed and the sight will change.
It is a new plane for me so I can’t say what the patch changed or not. I found it difficult to land pre patch, but haven’t tried landing it in the new version.

One noticeable change is the pitch trim. It takes longer to trim now. so slower reaction to trim input, which is ok with me.

The most noticable FM change is that I can now make a Forward Slip to landing at 200Kph without snappining into a spin in the FW190. I can also do Hammer head(Stall) turns without entering into a unrecoverable spin. Also she doesn’t get into an inverted spin when Bunting(push stick hard forward) as she did pre patch.
Very nice changes all in all!! Made a few takeoffs and landings on the Kuban map. She handles very nice in the traffic pattern.

These are the planes I’ve tried so far. Looking forward to hear what our Yak and LA pilots think. How about the MC202 Jimmi?

The Kuban map is very nice and looks familiar from the “old” IL2 days. Nice to fight there again.

I will be back home Sept 2 and will fly then. Hopefully some of you can join in the testing.

Looking forward to getting the patch, have a new system { arrived yesterday } and as you can guess, its taking a long time to get everything back up to where it was…it will be well into next week before I’m ready to fly lol

I finally got my computer up and running after a fresh windows install.
All I had energy for was a long flight around the map off-line.

The map looks great. It is refreshing to see the sea and mountains.
Very different than the brown-green colors of the Russian steppes.
The airfields look cleaner in their construction, maybe too clean.
It seems to me that objects have been sharpend, which should make it easier to tell ground targets apart.
It also seems to me that the aircraft are jumping/bumping more during taxi on dirt airfields. I dont know if that is realistic but I like it as it makes me more cautious during taxi.


regarding Yak and new flight model; -better pitch response on high speed
-fixed jaw (no spin) for turn fighter there is not much to say
-now about roll i’m not sure is response increased or decreased, sometimes i think it’s better and sometimes worse

Overall i’m pretty happy with this update even there were moments when those rudder induced spins were quite handy.
Can’t wait some fights between hills!

I had some very simple and fun mission today on Kuban map using “quick mission” builder while practicing navigation.
I set up max wind and turbulence while setting up clouds on above-average/average thickness and on 500m alt, than i took He-111/Ju-52 and went from SE coast to Mykop over the hills/mountain region.
Handling big planes in such conditions is such fun and very immersive while being nice challenge, i had to fly very low on deck between mountains while struggling with wind, turbulence and low climb rate on those big planes.