Italians in Sweden...

…there you go:


Amazing, isn’it?

Imagine doing the same 65 years ago, in the sands of El Alamein. in a tad more cruent confrontation with the Scots’ Regiment’s Pipes in the opposite trench…:eek:

…much better now, at the Swedish Military Tattoo…:banana:

At least ha can be headbanging with this hat like some scandinavian hard-rockers

Here is proof!

I can’t resist…let’s go for another one:

Not bad, impressive that they where playing while running. :eek:
Must be really well trained, in excellent condition.

They’re the ones that entered Rome smashing the walls at Porta Pia, when it still belonged to the Pope, thus completing Italy’s Unity, 150ish years ago…:anpeace:

Well, Bersaglieri in now an Armoured Brigade…but fought in Africa and Russia on Guzzi motorcycles…:eek:

Nice, they must be pretty exhausted after all that!

But look at this! Not many can match that preciseness.

Can’t help it, I just love to watch “Kongens Garde”:smiley:

Ah, yes, the Norwegian Guard is famous for their drill exercise!!! :banana:


You have to take your hats off to them. Big feathery hats off to them.

You wouldn’t catch a piper running with his pipe and Kilt!