Interesting UK flight sim opportunity with celebrity pilots...!

Ok its civil GA flightsim - but… anyone fancy being Bruce Dickinson’s sim co-pilot in a round-the-world charity flight taking place next month?

Other celebrity pilots also available… (Someone has already won Buzz Aldrin apparently);_trksid=p3686

Their longest virtual flight was seven days :rolleye:

My longest flight was a bit over three hours flying a recreation Operation Vengeance
The intercept of Yamamotos flight.
After a little over 3 hours I landed with a very sore a… :bootyshk: and a very sore back as well

I think I would have to choose Joe Pasquale the comic just so I wouldnt get bored to death. :smiley:
I read one time there was a guy from my home town that wanted to know what it was like to be on a submarine so he did Silent Hunter 2 in real time and ate when they ate and slept when they slept for like 2 days. I might be into sims but I think this might be taking it a little far. :slight_smile: