Inside Combat Rescue

Inside Combat Rescue is a mini TV series (6 episodes) by National Geographic, telling the job of the USAF PJ (Parajumpers)
PJ’s are CRO (Combar Rescue Operators) in charge of evacuating wounded soldiers, or rescuing shot down pilots.
All operators are trained as special forces and skydivers, but they are also qualified as paramedical. PPJ’s provide emergency medical treatment necessary to stabilize and evacuate injured personnel while acting in an enemy evading recovery role. They also act as aircrew gunners and scanners on fixed and rotary wing aircraft while performing flight following duties. In addition they usually provide contingency landing sites for NASA missions.
Their motto is “That Others May Live”

Some links:

“Deadlock in Afghanistan”, a 15 min. video on youtube:

The Inside Combat Rescue TV series is taken in real life situation in Afhanistan (Kandahar AFB), with several interviews to the soldiers.
This is the first time that the US Air Force allow to a TV troupe to follow the PJ’s in action.
The Combat Search and Rescue helicopters operated by the U.S. Air Force in Afghanistan transport medics who are trained to treat the injured during that “golden hour,” the moments that can mean the difference between life and death. The medics listen to the radio from their wooden hut at Kandahar Airfield in southern Afghanistan, waiting for the call. They are briefed about combat operations that day, including where they may be sent. A large map pinpoints the locations.

Some scenes are really hard (a lot of blood and serious wounds) but they are announced before, so the spectators can choose to stop watching if they feel unprepared to see them.

I downloaded the whole series of six, and until now I saw two. I have to say I like them very much.
There are a lot of flight scenes on board of the Blackhawk overlflying beautiful (and dangerous) places in Afghanistan.

You con download the series with Torrent. Open google and type “Inside Combat Rescue Torrent”. Be carefule because most of the torrent links are dead links (no peers) so it will take some time to find the right ones, and they are not very fast. So be patient.