IL2 1946 'In Stock'

I wanted to be back already :frowning:

Still waiting on my new system at the moment, although I could probably use this one (complete with random BSOD’s) or even the laptop, but the other delay is that my X36 Hotas is dying, I need to get some parts before I can attempt a repair, other than that the X52 Pro is on pre-order :slight_smile:

Then it’s just a case of remembering how not to fall out of the sky, yes it’s been that long :slight_smile:

LOL, Trooper, you know I’m right, right? :wink:

lol…If its not here by the weekend, I’ll be sadder than a big bag of sad things!

I’ll be sadder than a big bag of sad things!

Me too, we will just have to comfort ourselves in the fact that we saved a few quid over the shop price, at least you can buy an extra beer or two over the weekend. Mind you its still only wednesday we may see em by friday :smiley:

I very much doubt it will be here by the weekend.
Still showing as proccess, so won’t be sent until later today at the earliest, this time of year RM seem to be on 3-4 days for first class round these parts at least.
Still Its not an issue TBH, I only want it for compatability, and 4.07 won’t be enforced for a few weeks yet :wink:

Mine was posted yesterday according to their website, so hopefully it’ll be here tomorrow or Sat. :w00t:


Just checked my order status and it was shipped yesterday, though was showing processing this morning :slight_smile: :w00t:

Me too… Hurrah! :smiley:

lol same here, posted yesterday allegedly.

Posted yesterday too apparently.

Double LOL, I spoke to them again today and they confirmed that it was in the final stage of packing, it would then most probably be dispatched by the end of the day, but when I checked my e-mail just now it was shipped yesterday :roflmao:

Hah, mine was saying shipped on the 13th yesterday, today it says the 14th… mwahahahahahah, starting to trhink my X52Pro may turn up first :slight_smile:

yep mine says shipped today now, yesterday it said shipped 13th, I think they just make it all up :rolleyes:

You know what it will say next dont you

2 WEEKS:smiley:

Mine will say… ‘We understand that if we mess you around any further, it is within your rights to have us executed!’:mad:

:smiley: :roflmao: :smiley:

well have well and truly fu**ed up again in my books. Today I check my e-mail and I got another ‘shipped’ email but this time it says it was shipped today so I then checked play.coms website and on my previous look it said ‘shipped 13-12-06’ but when I looked today it now says ‘shipped 15-12-06’ needless to say I will never be using again. I am tempted to send these back when they arrive simply because they have screwed me around so much. I only bought it from them because on monday it said they were in stock and dispatched within 24hrs. Thats 3 out of 3 orders that have screwed up for me now. Never again will I use them and I certainly will not recommend anyone else to use them. On second thoughts I do hope that they only send them via royal mail without any proof of delivery, if thats the case I think they will fail to turn up altogether :wink: :wink:

I’ve never had an issue before with Play and I’ve used them a lot.

When I have pre-ordered before, I’ve had the piece of s/w drop through the letterbox the day before its release.

I can only guess the problem is the volume of orders they have received and had to get out before Christmas.

Top company with an excellent returns policy, I’d recommend them to anyone, even though my 1946 DVD was shipped this morning after suffering a time warp.

Now I have a vision in my head of all the play staff singing and dancing too the rocky horror show in the outfits, on extended xmas party while trying to despatch orders :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I too, have used play before without issue, so it must be the above :wink:

There that’s cheered you up no end I bet Classic <sounds of teeth grinding> :slight_smile:

Sorry mate bad luck really. If it works mail order is good but if it doesn’t we mug Keets for his copy :slight_smile:


F*<k em!.. Bloody, wank@rs!! (Bah Humbug)

Is it Christmas yet?