Il ritorno

poco a poco…

Got a new PC. i5-4670k, 16GB RAM, all-SSD, no graphic card yet.

Right now Im using my wife’s new monitor, keyboard and mouse :slight_smile:

Next weekend I go to Spain and I will take my ATI 6950HD, Hoffman pedals and a monitor. Also my old SSD with Windows7 (Im using Linux for now).

Undecided about joystick…bring my old X52Pro or buy the Cougar here.

And I need to buy a PLC adapter so I can get Internet from the room where I will be flying, since the router is in the other side of the house.

So still a few things to do before i cn fly again, but getting there.

Installing TS3 in Linux while I write.

Great Nepe!
PLC adapters are a very good solution to make a wiring fast, movable and powerfull :slight_smile:

Grazie Cirso! :slight_smile:

Non sapeva si il PLC sarebbe un buona soluzione, ma si tu hai buona esperienza non ho dubbio.

This is a very good news!
You know, we’re waiting for you! :slight_smile:

Splendida notizia Nepe!! :banana:

Yes Nepe, i bought this pair over Amazon and it works fine :smiley:

Great Nepe, we miss you a lot! :slight_smile:

Manca poco Nepe, il più è fatto!!! :smiley:

Joystick - check
Pedals - check
Graphic card - check
HDD with IL2 - next week
Monitor - next week
PLCs - next week


Hey Commander… do not forget CoD :wink:

CoD is Steam based…I can install it at any moment :slight_smile: But all my IL2 files are in the HDD that will arrive next week.

CoD 4.312 installed and working…

Ottimo! Quando mi fai un poco di training? :slight_smile:

Eh…si, si, ovviamente caro Toni, penso che ho una o due cose di dogfight che insegnarti :roflmao:


back online :slight_smile:

Check your 12!

Welcome back, Magister!!! I got my tail in Warning Mode, now…:smiley:

yes do that, because very probably I will crash with you while trying to maintain formation! :slight_smile:

I’m ready to help you nepe, and get that little (if not present) rust out!

Perfect! will be there next Monday :slight_smile: