I took off AND landed a C47 by the book.

It was perfection I tell ya!! Then I woke up to find it was just a dream :smiley:

You nutter… lol!
Mmm, I can honestly say I’ve never dreamed about IL2 yet…:smiley:

Ming landing C-47 2, Undertaker 0 but let’s not get carried away :slight_smile:

I dreamt about a flak burst the other night in high resolution, like a Georgia O’Keefe painting, the day before JR and I were comparing notes on the new flak effects: orange inner explosion and a black-as-hell smoke cloud

lol looking for one of her paintings to illustrate the image from the dream, this below is exactly the look of the flak burst in my dream, which is why I thought of her, and it actually is titled-

“Still Life With Twat”

-even though she’s not British. Something must have rubbed off :slight_smile:
