HRCODWAR - Online dynamic campaign at last

Hi Pax, I was counting on 310/322. :slight_smile:
With 51 joining the Cliff of Dover ranks in the EAF I think we could potentially put up a full Squadron flight, or a few four ship flights quite easily Just with the CoD players we have now.

No way, I will ask Mikke for a 100% salary increase for this

We are now training both in British fighters and bombers and surely want to fly allied.
I can say now that for CoD we have pilots more than two Spitfire’s flights…with the coming back of Nepe maybe three :slight_smile:

Oi I started this post so I’m in :slight_smile:

Cheers Brigs/Nepe and I’d be happy to fit in anywhere and I’ll see if we have any other 19 lads when I know more details on times and day. Might flush Ming out and I know Ed is on his way back, Classic might even be interested in an SE type campaign, Charlie & Baz to. Depends on the day and not clashing with the Moscow SEOW around the corner, for us anyway.

British fighters of course old bean

It wont be right away. Halcones Rojos are involved in a Campaign right now.
Once that one is done, hopefully there’ll be a international campaign we can join.

In the meantime it’ll give us a chance to work out how it all works and maybe run a few training sessions using the campaign engine.

Well the intention is to start it soon, even with the spanish campaign still going.

The main idea is for this international campaign to serve as a learning tool of the HRCODWAR system, so don’t worry too much for the results as everybody will probably struggle a bit at the beginning, losing airplanes in stupid ways :p, putting the wrong orders and things like that…

Don’t worry Naglfar, the EAF has been around for 15 years and we’ve taken part in every major Campaign going, lately being very involved in SEOW.
This means we are very at experienced losing planes in Stupid ways :slight_smile:

Granted! 100% increase on nothing is still… :smiley:

I’m very interested in this, not only because it might be a way forward for EAF to finally be able to leave old IL-2 behind. :wink:
I just hope I will be able to fly in this as I’m limited in time that I can fly, but at least I have something to fly on now. :banana:

I’d be quite sad if you did. COD is hands down better sim when it comes to engine management and graphics, and as much as I like COD, it still does have lots of issues (especially in the sounds department) and on top of that, like Baz once said, it’s kind of a one trick pony.

COD clearly misses all the good fun of 41-43 combat, with every year, combat has slightly different feel to it and having only 1940 planes is a big drawback in my book.

Well BOS will hopefully fill in that gap a bit once it’s released, at which point I might change the tune. But for now, good old IL2 is only way for us to enjoy mid war era where IMHO planes were most interesting in their innovation and design. So lets not retire good old IL2 until we have proper alternatives to cover it (it obviously takes more then a single game to replace IL2 1946 + HSFX).

…and on top of that, like Baz once said, it’s kind of a one trick pony.

Contrary to this quote, my over all opinion is not strong/full formed enough.

I would like a Hurricane though, if this online war… takes off!:smiley:


I think he meant he’s a one trick pony…:wink: Just mention Hurr and he’ll finish the sentence. He’s bloody good in one though. cough Spitfire here.

Totally agree with Cyclops, Classic showed me the errors of my ways and what fun and campaigns I was missing with all the EAF lads. Just wished the Malta one had continued. Obviously, I’d still love to fly in a CoD campaign too, especially if it doesn’t impact on the next SE.

Now I’m really looking forward to the next CoD patch, which will bring a new map, ships, planes etc…maybe Malta/North Africa…and that as a campaign would be stunning…drool.

Me, a one trick pony?!.. neigh!:smiley:

…and thank you for your kind sentiment Swoop.:slight_smile:


Don’t have time to follow and read everything around many games we’re involved at (more or less), but this sounds perfect. Even though I am far from tired of original content since I have just started playing CLOD, still it’s nice that new content is coming for that sim.